/Schematics/Video circuits

Title Short description Rate Download
Video signal splitter 5 way video signal splitter. 2.93 3,844
Video signal indicator/detector Relay activated by video signal presence. 2.92 1,537
Hardware subtitler

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Hardverski subtitler (pogodno za satelitske dekodere/receivere).
2.91 2,998
TV antenna pre amplifier Antenna pre amplifier for TV. 2.90 4,843
SCART pinout Pins of SCART connector. 2.90 3,220
TV RF signal stealer Pickup RF signal with connection to coaxial cable. 2.89 5,514
Video signal amplifier Video signal amplifier with MAX457CPA. 2.88 3,322
S-video to VHS converter Converts S-video signal to VHS (video signal) with LM6182. 2.87 2,312


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