/Schematics/Security devices
Title | Short description | Rate | Download |
Fire sensor | Sensor that detects fire, hopefully not too late. | 2.92 | 3,346 |
Touch activated alarm v2 | Activates alarm when someone comes close to the device. | 2.96 | 3,345 |
Double sensor | Senzor activated by light and vibrations. | 2.92 | 3,109 |
Ultrasonic sensor v2 | Detects motion based on ultrasonic sound. | 2.91 | 2,629 |
Ultrasonic sensor v1 | Ultrasonic (piezzo) sensor/detector with NE555 and MAX406. | 2.88 | 2,490 |
Wind sensor | Can be used for high-security alarms as a motion sensor. | 2.91 | 2,327 |
Ultrasonic sensor v3 | Detects motion with ultrasound. | 2.90 | 2,235 |