
Title Short description Rate Download
Antenna length calculator Software for calculation of antenna length for required frequency. 2.85 8,093
Digital oscilloscope Uses sound card as input device. 2.96 12,932
Frequency Counter Uses sound card as signal input device. 2.86 5,894
LPT Stuph controller Control your LPT port with this primitive software. 2.91 4,003
PCB Designer Program for drawing PCBs. 2.90 19,455
PDUSpy Program to work with SMS messages in PDU format. 2.88 4,602
Serial Port NG Very useful RS232 terminal software. 2.89 7,012
Sine Wave Generator Signal generation using sound card. 2.89 4,744
SmartLab Odličan program za rad sa smart karticama (recimo telefonskim). 2.93 6,369
Win Scope Uses sound card as input device. 2.91 5,379


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