LCD winamp plugin on USB
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Naš član foruma pedja089 je napravio LCD WinAmp plugin koji se spaja na USB i ispisuje naziv trenutnog mp3 fajla koji se pušta na WinAmp-u. Sve je rađeno na PIC razvojnoj ploči a firmware je pisan u PBP-u. Plugin za WinAmp je pisan u VB-u. Uz projekat je priložio i source-code tako da su nadogradnja i izmjene moguće.
Source: pedja089
Make your own motion sensor
I remember this thing from the movie The Rock when Nicolas Cage is braking into the Alcatraz. I am talking about the motion/vibration sensor in it's very simple build. I remember making this thing 10 years back in a similar way. My version had a wire hanging from above and at the bottom there was a wire-ring. When it was tilted, the hanging wire made contact with the ring and voila! Anyway, this version is much more sensitive. Aside from this one, there is a tilt sensor that has a metal ball in a tube. It is some kind of mercury-less tilt switch.
Source: teebee918
POV speedometer for bicycle
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Dva studenta su sa mjeračem brzine bicikla spojili POV uređaj. Njihov sklop ispisuje brzinu kretanja bicikla i ukupni pređeni put. To su sve napravili na Arduino platformi.
Source: openobject
Automatic blinds
I must addmit that this is the thing I am planing to build for a long time now. It is a device that opens your window shades when alarm clock sounds in the morning. Try sleeping after this buzz. The next step would be to remove manual control of your blinds, but, that's only for the brave ones.
Source: Sparkfun
Build your own RFID tag
If you don't want to detect a presence of RFID reader or even make your own RFID tag, than you should look away. If by any chance you want to but you don't know what RFID is, it is best for you to read this text. Now when we know the basics, let's move on.
You will need a copper tape, plastic or cardboard base, capacitor and one LED. Ofcorse, for testing purposes you will need RFID reader.
Source: nmarquardt
Levitating magnet
Using Hall-effect sensor a very interesting device is built that allows permanent magnet to levitate in air. A microcontroller reads value from Hall-effect sensor and determines how far permanent magnet is from the electromagnet. Than it can decide wether to atract it or let it fall a little in order to have levitation effect.
Source: Mario M.
PLL induction heater
If you wish to heat up a peace of metal but without a classic heater - this is the b0mb. Resonant frequency is different for each peace of metal, so the problem is to figure out that precise frequency for the metal that is about to be heated. Here, you can see a driver that finds that exact resonant frequency.
This is a DIY project!
Source: Uzzors2k
RF modem CC1101 at 868 - 915 MHz, 125mW
I was experimenting again. This time with Chipcon CC1101 RF modems. They are really good so I decided to give them a little more power at the output. 125mW of RF power to be precise.
The PCB was made at BatchPCB and SMD parts are from: Maxim-IC, Texas Instruments (Chipcon),, AME Inc, and old Nokia phones.
I am not ready yet to report the range, but it's quite impressive.
Source: Elektronika-ba