
Title Short description Rate Download
AVR programmer v1 Very simple programmer. 2.87 4,500
AVR programmer v3 WinAVR and TWinAVR programmer + software. 2.97 4,181
AtMega8 board AtMega8 beginner? This might help... 2.91 4,119
Atmel ISP programmer Supports: AT89LS53, AT89LS8252, AT89S52, AT89S53, AT89S825X. 2.93 3,779
PIC programator v3 PIC programmer V3. 2.95 3,620
SmartCard lock and access control Electronic smart card lock and access control. 2.95 3,398
AVR programmer v2 Programmer for AT90Sxxxx. 2.91 2,722
Electronic dice Electronic dice based on Atmel AT89C2051, 7-seg display, Bascom. 2.96 2,672
Timer with AT90s2313 Timer with AT90s2313. 2.92 2,392
Programmer and simulator for 68HC705 Programmer and simulator for 68HC705. 2.87 2,275
Serial to parallel converter for LCD Control HD4478 LCD with PIC by using only 3 wires. 2.90 1,984
EasyPIC3 hardware patch Hardware patch for EasyPIC3 for re-programming chips with internal oscillator and no MCLR pin. 2.93 1,970
PIC pong and tetris game Pong and Tetris games for TV with PIC microcontroller. 2.94 1,835
RTTL ringtone player with PIC Reproduction of RTTL tones for GSM phones, on PIC16F87x microcontroller. 2.88 1,478
Connecting two LEDs on a single uC pin v1 How to connect two LEDs on a single microcontroller pin. 2.85 1,475

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