Temperature monitor |
ATMega8L, 2x16 LCD and DS18S20 1-wire temperature sensor. |
2.92 |
4,621 |
Timer with AT90s2313 |
Timer with AT90s2313. |
2.92 |
2,392 |
AVR programmer v2 |
Programmer for AT90Sxxxx. |
2.91 |
2,722 |
PIC programmer v1 |
Pretty good PIC programmer. |
2.91 |
6,054 |
AtMega8 board |
AtMega8 beginner? This might help... |
2.91 |
4,119 |
JDM programmer for PIC |
Great programmer for PIC microcontrollers. |
2.91 |
4,706 |
Serial to parallel converter for LCD |
Control HD4478 LCD with PIC by using only 3 wires. |
2.90 |
1,984 |
RTTL ringtone player with PIC |
Reproduction of RTTL tones for GSM phones, on PIC16F87x microcontroller. |
2.88 |
1,478 |
PIC programmer v4 |
PIC programmer V4. |
2.88 |
5,046 |
Temperature control with PIC |
Temperature control using PIC16F84A and DS1621. |
2.87 |
8,662 |
AVR programmer v1 |
Very simple programmer. |
2.87 |
4,500 |
nRF2401 assembler firmware |
Assembler firmware for nRF2401 RF 2,4 GHz transcievers. |
2.87 |
1,208 |
Programmer and simulator for 68HC705 |
Programmer and simulator for 68HC705. |
2.87 |
2,275 |
Connecting two LEDs on a single uC pin v1 |
How to connect two LEDs on a single microcontroller pin. |
2.85 |
1,475 |
SMS control with Siemens GSM |
Sending/receiving SMS messages with PIC16F877(A). |
2.85 |
8,345 |