
Title Short description Rate Download
LED show with PIC LED show with PIC16F84(A) with modes of operation. 2.94 5,340
Multi PIC Programmer Great ant very simple programmer. 2.93 7,022
PIC pong and tetris game Pong and Tetris games for TV with PIC microcontroller. 2.94 1,835
PIC programator v3 PIC programmer V3. 2.95 3,620
PIC programmer v1 Pretty good PIC programmer. 2.91 6,054
PIC programmer v2 PIC16(F,C)84 programmer. 2.84 13,844
PIC programmer v4   PIC programmer V4. 2.88 5,046
Programmer and simulator for 68HC705 Programmer and simulator for 68HC705. 2.87 2,275
RTTL ringtone player with PIC Reproduction of RTTL tones for GSM phones, on PIC16F87x microcontroller. 2.88 1,478
SMS control with Siemens GSM Sending/receiving SMS messages with PIC16F877(A). 2.85 8,345
SMS controller with AT90S2313 Control your appliances via SMS messages with AT90S2313 and Ericsson GSM. 2.93 6,175
Serial to parallel converter for LCD Control HD4478 LCD with PIC by using only 3 wires. 2.90 1,984
SmartCard lock and access control Electronic smart card lock and access control. 2.95 3,398
Temperature control with PIC Temperature control using PIC16F84A and DS1621. 2.87 8,662
Temperature monitor ATMega8L, 2x16 LCD and DS18S20 1-wire temperature sensor. 2.92 4,621

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