Jel netko zna može li se u WindowsXP isključiti prevlačenje mišom foldera i fileova u Windows Exploreru???
Naime, na poslu u radiostanici u kojoj radim netko od novinara dok je radio sam i puštao glazbu ..valjda sebi kopirao nehotice prevukao jedan folder sa glazbom i automatski ju premjestio u neki drugi folder. Bilo bi OK da je on to skužio odmah! Nakon par dana kad se odabrala neka pjesma koja je tako premještena, program kojim sviramo u eter javlja da pjesme nema u sustavu
Ja u biti koristim Total Commander za kopiranje/premještanje fileova, ali nikako da se ostali ostave tog Windows Explorera
Windows Explorer (WinXP)
Moderators: pedja089, stojke369, [eDo], trax, LAF
Re: Windows Explorer (WinXP)
Right click on the Windows task bar, go to properties,
start menu, customize, advanced, uncheck enable drag and
found it. We had the same problem here with users
draging folders by mistake. You can set the drag and drop or
copy and paste files confirmation prompt
1802 = Drag and drop or copy and paste files
Note: Unless stated otherwise, each DWORD value is equal to zero, one, or three. Typically, a setting of zero sets a specific action as permitted, a setting of one causes a prompt to appear, and a setting of three does not allow the specific action.
Internet Settings\Zones\0]
AND on the intranet:
Internet Settings\Zones\1]
KB182569 - Description of Internet Explorer Security Zones
Registry Entries ... -us;182569
start menu, customize, advanced, uncheck enable drag and
found it. We had the same problem here with users
draging folders by mistake. You can set the drag and drop or
copy and paste files confirmation prompt
1802 = Drag and drop or copy and paste files
Note: Unless stated otherwise, each DWORD value is equal to zero, one, or three. Typically, a setting of zero sets a specific action as permitted, a setting of one causes a prompt to appear, and a setting of three does not allow the specific action.
Internet Settings\Zones\0]
AND on the intranet:
Internet Settings\Zones\1]
KB182569 - Description of Internet Explorer Security Zones
Registry Entries ... -us;182569