I am not sure if I understand the "Relay status monitor...?" so please explain
The AT command for the battery query could also be very nice thing. I am just not sure what would be the purpose The only thing I can think of would be that if the battery voltage drops to 20%, PIC turns-on the charger relay to start charging. There is also anoter problem with that: when charged, the AT+CBC responses with 100% within a few tens of minutes while the battery is not yet fully charged.. so it's a bit messy situation, I would have to make a timer to go on for another hour or so. Then, you have different batteries, some need more time some less...
Right now, I am trying to port HEX for the DLR-3P cable to PIC12f509 for a smaller PCB and cheaper PIC.
Did you , booth, thinking about using atmel MCU like tiny11/12 or mega8 ? This avr arhitecture eneable to store instructions [MACRO] in form of tabele in mode byte per byte not 14bits per byte as in PIC controllers you use , that eneables sorting in tabele most useses macro for any GSM phone ! Executive code can be reduced most efective , price for that controllers is really low [1,60 EU tinny & 1,69EU mega8 -16AI].
1. interesting place !! Here also are not so simple to buy many of MCUs
FPGAs , CPLDs , processors , memory like nand flases , fast serial eproms etc... but for that reason we can use credit card and buy it enywhere on globe !!
2. I don't want to bee on any side [ Atmel / Microchip/motorola.. ] but as i remember Atmel where wery nice in dealing "samples" , and as i remember than thay become considere about too many chiding on samples in asia region than thay where change policy for giving "samples" in that region . Did you hear for this maybe ?
I dont think that reasons you wrote are enough !!!!! Becouse of simple reason , this project is not maded for one man needs , i hope, that is maded for lot of people and for most of tham many different MCUs are simple to find like samples or in shop . Prices are very low anyway.
Another reason..I don't have a credit card..
Yes you are correct too..I think they stop sending samples on Asia region.
But they are other forum that uses other MCU like Atmel.
Hi, adding an external EEPROM is nice idea too to send customized message.
How about using PIC16F628? almost twice the capacity of F84A with the same pin out and built-in UART..
I think PIC16F876A is too "BIG" for this..
I didn't know that is this forum open only for PIC serie 16 !?
Whan you finish job i will make one code analisis just for spending time.
Good luck whith project. Maybe i made soemething like that for atmega8.
Buco, posto ti radis sa Atmelom... ima li kakvih programatora da se napravi za te chipove, i reci mi svoje misljenje ako nije problem, koliko su bolji od PICa? Neke prednosti mozda...
Ima li kakvih kontrolera sa mogucnoscu eksterne programske memorije recimo iz nekog eksternog eeproma ili flasha? Koliko je to uopste pametno za ovako "sitne" uredjaje kao ovaj TwoWayThing ?
Radim ja i sa microchiopovim MCUima doduse sve rijedje , ali nedavno sam za demo jednog projekta odabrao pic16f84[ bio mi je pri ruci]. Projekt je prosao i sad ce u realizaciji bit ce koristena mala atmega8 .
Sto se programatora tice ja sam vam nudio projekt [ koji u praksi i radi , s automatskim prepoznavanjem i chipa i setiranjem HW] sa 16F84 kontrolerom za programiranje PIC16 serije [ isle bi i 17 i 18 serije] kao i atmeli AVR i ATmega serije medjutim nitko nije bio zaintereserian pa nisam htio dalje dosadjivat oko tog projekta.
Sto se razlike tice izmedju serija PIC 16 17 i 18 i avr jezgre tice [ jer je ona i u mega seriji] one nisu samo po pitanju brzine izvrsenja naredbe velike vec su "strukturne" razlike veoma velike kod programiranja chipa
sto naravno ne vide najjasnije korisnici crosscompilera vec korisnici assemblera.Vec sama cinjenica da imas 20tak registara koji su u "klasi" akumulatora govori puno , zatim imas parove 16 bitnih indeksnih registara [3 para] citanje flasha u jednoj naredbi kao i programiranje [ mega chipovi iz bootloadera] itd...svu svitu komunikacionih portova [ ovisi o definiciji u registrima za configuraciju pin-a] uart , I2C, SPI , JTAG[mega128]kod novijih imas i USB implementiran [ mislim serija 6] , zastita fw je neopisivo bolja [ specijalno kod mega serije , uostalom mega128 je uzet kao podloga za Atmelove NDA kartice , full lockdown mode chip cini nedostupnim bilo kom programatoru , moze jedino preko bootloadera programirat ,brisat i sl ako si ga postavio].
MCUi sa podrskom ext memorije ! Moram priznat da mi je to malo neobicno jer za to imas processore i harwardskog i von Neumanovog tipa motorola uglavnom voli tu vrstu processora .U praksi bi mogao koristit bootloader da ti recimo tako neke podprograme naknadno upise u prg mem a stare pohrani i sl ali to bas i nije nesto korisno[ ogranicen broj upisa].
Sto se 2wT tice avr jezgra tj konfiguracija pruza za istu kolicinu memorije mogucnost da se puno kvalitetnije iskoristi prostor kod izrade tabela podataka jer ide byte na byte , reducira kod .., inace covijeku kojemu u praksi recimo treba 3-4 porta[I/O] dovoljan je AT90s2343 [ ili novije varijante zvane tinny11/12] koji je spakiran u soic8 [0.200] kucistu !! Mozes mislit kako malo prostora to zauzima , koristenjem mega8 chipa imas i AD konvertor 8 ulaza kao mogucu opciju , analogni komparator i slicne stvari , tqfp32 kuciste 8kB mem 1KB srama i 512 byte eeproma [za svega 1,65 eura upravo narucio iz Njemacke 10 kom], interni oscilator do 16MHz veoma pozdan ako su uvjeti napajanja stabilni. Razmisli malo, ne treba ti kristal , imas mogucnost da pratis i dojavljujes analogne velicine ,10bita rezolucije, na 8 portova , da kompariras itd ... zamisli koliko bi ti uredjaj mogao bit "raznovrsniji " . Serija 16 je ipak "zastarjela" ima microchip i puno boljih MCUa serije 35 . Ali to je ipak tvoj projekt i ces odlucit sto ces i kako i skojim MCUom ! Ja samo cekam da pocne diskusija o samom izvrsnom kodu , to je ono sto me zapravo najvise zanima , na kraju krajeva ja sam ti i poslao konkretne prijedloge preinaka nekih rutina kao i postavke totalno drugacijeg rijesenja pojedinih cijelina i to za 2wT sa PIC16f84 .Nisu to meni "mrski" MCUi samo vrijeme cini svoje ..sto sam i pokusao obrazlozit u ranijem textu.
Super, sad si mi ocrnio PIC MCUe ATMEL izgleda hiljadu puta bolji od njih. Pravo da ti kazem, trebao bi nesto da pocnem raditi sa njima.
Sto se programatora tice, mislio sam da li ima negdje kakav pouzdan programator da se SKLOPI, jer cime cu ih programirati kad ih kupim? Sigurno na netu ima dosta smeca ali zanima me i cime ih ti programiras?
Poslat cu ti izvrsni kod za ovaj mali programator [s 16F84 i shemu ] koji sam ti opisao jer sam ga i radio zbog toga jos poodavno . Radi u ISP modu i upravljan je VB skriptom iz winexprlorera , ako te zanima ! Pa ces imat s cim programirat Atmele [ avr90 i mega serije] i PIC kontrolere [serije 16 ].
PIC MCUi ce uvijek nac svoju primjenu a stariji kao serije 16 17 ..dobri su za vjezbu da ljudi vide kako su prvi mikroprocesori radili [ sve preko akumulatora itd.., npr prvi od prvih 8008 razvijen od 4004 kalkulatorskog chipa] cdp1802 , 6502, 8080, Z80 itd.. sve redom von Neumanov tip racunala .
Hi Trax,
Looking forward for your new code on PIC and a new circuit..another idea..can't we make it work on other Nokia's? like 5110/6110, 3210,3310? other with no embedded modems..
@kasamiko "transferig" execute code so small like for that controller from PIC to avr , motorola, pholips... MCU series [8,16,32 bit] etc is not problem . Point is in idea we got and what our program can "done" useful to the people. I didnt read site you put on board , becouse using google is not so smart thing , we will be grateful to you if you analise that avr code and told to us what is inside this project from that site. Can you do it ? or not !?
About different phones , of course that we can do it , using tabele and using autodetecting uart protokol speed !!! But not using PIC 16 serie , we have more better MCUs for solve that simple problem !
Is it autor source code or just asm maded by dissasembler ?
Anyway is ok ! so what you figure out interesting for project we got , i mean on idea ? what thay got your project havent or reverse ?
Many question but i'm shure that you where interested about it more than anyone , if i can help i will . If you decide to use mega processor i can help to you to create soeme routines , or bootloader ....etc.
Wow that's a great idea!!
Maybe you can make your own project here similar to the one made by Trax that support various Nokia's model and using different MCU..
But I think..I can't participate on that project due to limited resources
I can only work with PIC'c MCU..It's all I can have for the moment..
This is @trax project and i can only participate to thray to help to him about realization of this project .Whay you can't participate on this project ?? maybe you got soeme interesting idea or way of "thinking" about solving soeme problem connected whith project , all of this coud be helpful. Is no mather wat MCU you use than !!