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hocemo vise smajlica!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy* ... =49&fin=64

joj jes dobroFirkragg wrote: ... eadid=1464

evo umire stari 4hv
moram to spasit..
moram to spasit..

Code: Select all
BIOS to Windows: go go go, boot now!
Windows to BIOS: slow, slow ... always those young PCBs
Device manager to Windows: I got something strange on the screen
Windows: Ignore it
Hardware Wizard: The user is getting impatient. I shall identify something ... could be an ISDN card
Windows: well...
unknown ISDN card: Could you please let me in?
LAN Card: You can't just get in here because YOU want to!
Windows: Silence in the case or I'll cut you my support
Device Manager: May I offer a compromise? The LAN Card works on Monday, the ISDN on Tuesday
Graphics card: My driver has retired yesterday. I'm crashing now
Windows: When will you be back?
Graphics card: Not so soon
CD drive: ehm ... I've a new driver here ...
Windows: Well, and what shall I do with it???!
Installationn Software: Don't worry, I'll handle that
Windows: Glad to hear that
USB Controller: Alarm! I was just penetrated by a scanner cable. Requesting reaction
Interrupt manager: Where the hell did you come from?
USB Port: I am here right from the beginning. by the way there's a colleague sitting next to me
Interrupt manager: But you are not on my list ...
(to Windows) Say something!
Windows: Let's hope that no other printer appears
Graphics card: the new driver is making trouble!
Windows: Then we have to reactivate the old one
Deinstallations program to new driver: just sod off
new driver: f*ck you
Windows to NortonUtilies: Kill him and his breed!
Utilities to drivers: sorry, but we have to delete you
Important system file: arrrrrgh
Windows to blue screen: Tell them that the Norton guys overkilled it this time
Blue screen to user: Sorry, but the fun is over for this week