Car Radio Decoding and Programming

Programi za crtanje shema i pločica, simuliranje el. sklopova, savjeti. Diskusija o ostalim programima vezanim za elektroniku.

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Car Radio Decoding and Programming

Post by sellyfast »

Sorry if this is wrong section , I am looking for advice on reading eeproms and MCUs via a dongle or handheld programmer.Currently we are physically taking apart some of the radios to read eeproms but this means using a clip to read the eeprom and I am sure that there must be a better way. Any advice would be gratefully received

We have recently had an experience with a Citreon (Philips)Radio where we sought to read the eeprom and on reinstalling the radio a fault occured and it will not power up
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Post by trax »


You could try posting the problem here:

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Post by vg_mac »

Molim za pomoc
Imam isprogramirani PIC 12F629, imam AllPic programmer....
Moze li mi neko reci kako da iskopiram pic-a 12F629

Post by buco »

jel to neka sala ?? Ako imas programator za koji radi s tim MCUom i nije orginal zakljucan mislim da sve ostalo znas procitaj / upisi u i evo ti klon.
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