preporaclivo e tie sto e so * da ne gi gasite kako naprimer Windows Time mislam ako ne go koristite saatot od taskbarot ne e problem hhhh izgasete govoltmetar220 wrote:(Ovo je citat sa drugog foruma)Evo kao shto sam obecao pokupio sam listu servisa koju mozete iskljuciti:
- Alerter
- Automatic update *
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service
- ClipBook
- Computer Browser
- Distributed Link Tracking Client
- Error Reporting Service
- Fast User Switching Compatibility
- Help and Support *
- Human Interface Device Access
- IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service *
- Indexing Service
- Internet Connection Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing
- Machine Debug Manager
- Messenger
- MS Software Shadow Copy Provider
- NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
- Network DDE
- Network DDE DSDM
- NT LM Security Support Provider
- Performance Logs and Alerts
- Portable Media Serial Number
- Registry Management Service
- Remote Registry Service
- Routing and Remote Access
- Secondary Logon
- Security Center
- Smart Card
- Smart Card Helper
- SSDP Discovery Service
- System Restore Service *
- Task Scheduler *
- Telnet
- Uninterruptible Power Supply *
- Universal Plug and Play Device Host
- Upload Manager
- WebClient
- Windows Time *
- Wireless Zero Configuration
- WMI Performance Adapter
Meni je pola tih servisa isključeno, to su mi vjerojatno poisključivali kad mi je komp bio na servisu. Et, ja sam sada zadovoljan kako mi sve radi, hvala svima na trudu i pomoći, pravi ste
Startup programi
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