ima li neko bilo sta i touchscreenu koji prodaje mikroelektronika?
na njemu nema nikakve oznake....
ima samo 4 izvoda.
pitao sam njih za datasheet, ali ne odgovaraju.
The touchscreen is connected directly to the analogue channels AN0 to AN3 of the PIC. Pull-down resistors are required on each of these pins (e.g. 10K resistors). There are a number of #options - these are documented at the start of the library.
It is the users responsibility to set up the analogue port correctly. The two sample codes below with give an example of how to do this.
* Name : TouchScreen.BAS *
* Author : S Wright *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2007 S Wright *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 27/07/2007 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* Notes : This library is hard coded to use ADC channels AN0 - AN3. *
* : These must be connected To the following connections of the *
* : touchscreen: *
* : ADC Channel 0 (AN0) - connect To X1 *
* : ADC Channel 1 (AN1) - connect To X2 *
* : ADC Channel 2 (AN2) - connect To Y1 *
* : ADC Channel 3 (AN3) - connect To Y2 *
* : The user should ensure that these analogue channels are *
* : assigned to the correct pins for the PIC in use, using the *
* : #option statements (default to PORTA.0 - PORTA.3). *
* : In addition, it is down to the user to ensure that these *
* : channels are set as analogue using ADC.SetConfig in the main *
* : code and that the ADC is set up appropriately using *
* : ADC.SetAcqTime And ADC.SetConvTime. *
* : The library also assumes that: X2 *
* : X1 is the bottom plate of touchscreen ---------- *
* : X2 is the top plate of touchscreen | | *
* : Y1 is the left plate of touchscreen Y1 -| |- Y2 *
* : Y2 is the right plate of touchscreen | | *
* : ---------- *
* : X1 *
* : If this is not the case, then connect as if this was true, *
* : i.e. connect AN0 to bottom plate, AN1 to top plate etc... *
* : Please note that pull-down resistors are also required on all *
* : four analogue pins. *
* : In GetXY, the TL values are as if read from top-left and the *
* : BR values as if read from bottom-right. *
* : When setting the calibration values, the TL values should be *
* : those found reading from top-left and the BR values those *
* : found reading from the bottom-right, i.e. using *
* : GetXY(X_TL, X_BR, Y_TL, Y_BR) for the top-left corner, *
* : X_TL is then X_Min_TL, whilst X_BR is X_Max_BR (furthest from *
* : bottom-right corner), etc... *
e sad mi nista nije jasno
ja sam mislio da je to touchscreen sa digitalnim izlazom...
no nebitno...
iz ovoga sto je zmedak5 poslao slabo sam razumeo kako se koristi...
koliko kontam on bi trebao da menja otpornost u zavisnosti od toga gde je pritisnut...
a sad mi se ko uz ku... istrosila baterija na oba instrumenta
znali iko ista o ovakvim touch screen-ovima?
googlao sam "4 Wire Resistive Touch Screens" ali nije bilo nista korisno...
napokon sam pronasao nesto korisno...
ako jos nekom zatreba evo link ... 0Works.pdf ... index.html
Zvuci kao da jest
Probaj ga skopcati na PS/2 port, serijski il paralelni port (uz odgovarajuci sklop), a na kompu napisi kratak program koji bi upravljao cursorom na monitoru - tako ces najbolje znati kako funkcionira, a i imat ces live pregled
kontao sam to ubaciti umesto misa...
ali ovih dana bas nemam volje raditi nista, nest sam bolestan....
tako nek stoji, dok ne budem imao volje.
bilo mi je bitno samo da skontam kako radi i kako se koristi....
sad kad sam skontao nije vise toliko interesantno
evo uradio sam touchscreen sa displejem 16x2
na displeju ispisujem samo x i y poziciju.
rezultati i nisu nesto....
dosta je nelinearan touchscreen,
npr kad vucem po donjoj ivici x ose, menja se i x osa sto je normalno, ali se menja i y osa se dosta menja, sto je defektno
mada sve u svemu je ok.
npr kad stavim olovku na isto mesto dobijam malte ne identicne rezultate, a to mi je u ostalom i bitno...
bice veceras slika, upravo sam sad uzeo malo da poradim po pitanju linearnosti...
probacu ga malo drugacije spojiti nego sto je @zmedak5 naveo.
inace nemam jos displej za njega pa je samo nalepljen na plocu, nista posebno
evo par slika i sad ok radi