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Kada unesem ove boje u kalkulator, prijavi error kao da ne postoji taj otpornik.
Moderators: pedja089, stojke369, [eDo], trax, LAF
5 band resistor with a 4th band of gold or silver
Five band resistors with a fourth band of gold or silver form an exception, and are used on specialized and older resistors. The first two bands represent the significant digits, the 3th the multiply factor, the 4th the tolerance and the 5th the temperature coefficient (ppm/K).
Zar nisam napisao, 0.1 omtorla wrote:... i koja bi bila vrijednost ovog otpornika.
mjerio sam nikakav otpor ne daje. niti zuji na zujalici.Emigrant wrote:a što dotični jednostavno ne uzme Ohmmetar i ne izmeri otpor dotičnog otpornika ? tako bi najsigurnije saznao koliki je otpor .....