Construction of Word Clock v1

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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by robertholmberg »

More pictures.

Max7219 Under
Max7219 Under
IMG_9439.JPG (60.9 KiB) Viewed 16768 times
Max7219 no 4
Max7219 no 4
IMG_9437.JPG (47.9 KiB) Viewed 16768 times
Max7219 no 4
Max7219 no 4
IMG_9436.JPG (39.51 KiB) Viewed 16768 times
Max7219 no 4
Max7219 no 4
IMG_9435.JPG (51.65 KiB) Viewed 16768 times
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by vszabi »

robertholmberg wrote:More pictures.


Robert huh!
That's pretty harsh! With the many cords do something urgent! I used to use tape ribbon cable. I think it's so gather all kinds of electrical noise! The crystals and 22pF can be closer to each other. The 2 amp power adapters plenty enough, mine also has a USB cell phone charger. (about 800 mA)
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by robertholmberg »


Hmm, was it that bad? I will try to clean it all up if i got time tomorrow, and I guess that the most important one to make short and clean is the three signal cables sending the data from the chips to eachother?

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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by vszabi »

robertholmberg wrote:Haha,

Hmm, was it that bad? I will try to clean it all up if i got time tomorrow, and I guess that the most important one to make short and clean is the three signal cables sending the data from the chips to eachother?


Yes, the chip is wired up to do something with absolute guess. There is no ribbon? I used a ribbon cable used pc.

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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by vszabi »

Some pictures of my solution.
P1020813.jpg (32.43 KiB) Viewed 16739 times
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by vszabi »

Some pictures of my solution.
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by vszabi »

Some pictures of my solution.
P1020819.jpg (5.66 KiB) Viewed 16735 times
P1020818.jpg (4.53 KiB) Viewed 16735 times
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by robertholmberg »


I havent had time to test it properly and will not until next week, i did the worst corner and replaced it with such a cable which i have plenty of, and i think it might have been the problem.

Thanks for the input. And will be back with the result.

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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

How do I add additional characters to the file font_7x5.h
for example, the following
0x04, 0x2A, 0x6A, 0xAA, 0x10,
but this character is not displayed
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by trax »

You should replace some character that you are not using with that bitmap (your new 5 bytes). That's what I did with character for temperature degree symbol. Look for it in font_7x5.h file and do the same!
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

Co bym musiał zmienic w programie, żeby dodać jeszcze jeden MAX (64 Diod)
Dodam, że nie znam sie na programowaniu

What would I have to change in the teeth add one MAX (64 Diodes)
I would add that it does not know much about programming
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by trax »


It can be done, but you will need to find someone to help you with the code. I really don't have enough time right now, sorry.

Best regards,
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

Thank you
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

I've added yet another layout MAX7219
in the file " lang " Now I

Code: Select all

// MAX 2	// MAX 3
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,		// not on display
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,		// not on display
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	// MAX 1	// MAX 4
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	// MAX 5
and in " wc.c " changed to this piece of code :

Code: Select all

// fetch the appropriate arrays from PGM space into RAM
	char hour_arr[40];
	memcpy_P(hour_arr, (PGM_P)pgm_read_word( &MAX_h[time_h-1] ), 40);
	char minute_arr[40];
	memcpy_P(minute_arr, (PGM_P)pgm_read_word( &MAX_m[time_m] ), 40);

	// turn ON current hour's LEDs for all MAXs that might have an ON LED for this hour
	// we will turn ON current minute's LEDs also here
	// we do that 8 times for each MAX, for each "column" of data, even though it is actually row data because that's how I soldered the LEDs :(
	for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++)
		// MAX 1
		display_matrix[0][i] |= hour_arr[16+(i*2)]	| minute_arr[16+(i*2)];		// turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 2
		display_matrix[1][i] |= hour_arr[i*2]		| minute_arr[i*2];			// turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 3
		display_matrix[2][i] |= hour_arr[(i*2)+1]	| minute_arr[(i*2)+1];		// turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 4
		display_matrix[3][i] |= hour_arr[17+(i*2)]	| minute_arr[17+(i*2)];		// turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 5
		display_matrix[4][i] |= hour_arr[24+(i*2)]	| minute_arr[24+(i*2)];	   // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
And something is wrong because it shows me only one half
Where can be a problem

sorry for my English
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

This display ok
lang file I have now :

Code: Select all

// MAX 2     // MAX 3   // MAX 6
	0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000,   // not on display
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,   // not on display
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000 ,0b00000000,
	// MAX 1    // MAX 4    // MAX 5
	0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000,
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
	0b00000000, 0b00000000,	0b00000000, 
wc.c file I have now:

Code: Select all

// MAX 1
		display_matrix[0][i] |= hour_arr[24+(i*3)]	| minute_arr[24+(i*3)] 	 | sekundy_arr[24+(i*3)];	   // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 2
		display_matrix[1][i] |= hour_arr[i*3]		| minute_arr[i*3] 	 | sekundy_arr[i*3];	           // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 3
		display_matrix[2][i] |= hour_arr[(i*3)+1]	| minute_arr[(i*3)+1]  	 | sekundy_arr[(i*3)+1];	   // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 4
		display_matrix[3][i] |= hour_arr[25+(i*3)]	| minute_arr[25+(i*3)] 	 | sekundy_arr[25+(i*3)];	   // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 5
		display_matrix[4][i] |= hour_arr[26+(i*3)]      | minute_arr[26+(i*3)]   | sekundy_arr[26+(i*3)];          // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
		// MAX 6
		display_matrix[5][i] |= hour_arr[(i*3)+2]	| minute_arr[(i*3)+2] | sekundy_arr[(i*3)+2];              // turn ON hours & minutes that need to be ON for this MAX
Now is good. But I do not know how to change that date is displayed on the 3 MAX.
How to find moments of time colleague and was to be able to help me with the code be incorporated
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by trax »

I am currently very busy so I can't help you right now. Maybe there is someone else that can take a look at the code here?
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

That I can not find anyone to help with the processing of code: (
Practically just about displaying the date and progressbar on 3max, I know more or less an every where change, but l can not do that, everything else is ok
It's hard I'll keep looking maybe someone from this forum will help.
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by romi »

I know that my friend does not have time right now, but if you can help me with display_progressbar that was displayed on three MAX7219.
Everything else I was able to somehow change the method of trial and error, but this can not cope.

Code: Select all

// progressbar, top part of display
void display_progressbar(uint8_t value, uint8_t maximum)
	uint8_t rot = ((16/ maximum) * value) +0; // how many times to rotate right
	uint32_t pb = 0xffff0000; // as it rotates right, we "make more progress" :)
	pb = pb >> rot; // moved to the right as much as required

	// move once more because it is odd and at maximum
	if( maximum==value && value%2 ) pb = pb >> 1;

	// lets put this progressbar into the display_matrix
	// we put byte 0 to MAX 3, and byte 1 to MAX 2, and we ignore two MSB bytes of "pb"
	uint8_t pb_MAX3 = (uint8_t)pb;
	uint8_t pb_MAX2 = (uint8_t)( pb >> 8 );

	// skip first two rows, they are used for dots. also don't draw the bottom line...
	for(uint8_t i=2; i<8-1; i++)
		display_matrix[1][i] = pb_MAX2;
		display_matrix[2][i] = pb_MAX3;

	// send the "display matrix" to all MAXes on the bus


I tried this:

Code: Select all

// progressbar, top part of display
void display_progressbar(uint8_t value, uint8_t maximum)
	uint8_t rot = ((24 / maximum) * value) +0; // how many times to rotate right
	uint32_t pb = 0xffff0000; // as it rotates right, we "make more progress" :)
	pb = pb >> rot; // moved to the right as much as required

	// move once more because it is odd and at maximum
	if( maximum==value && value%2 ) pb = pb >> 1;

	// lets put this progressbar into the display_matrix
	// we put byte 0 to MAX 3, and byte 1 to MAX 2, and we ignore two MSB bytes of "pb"
	uint8_t pb_MAX3 = (uint8_t)pb;
	uint8_t pb_MAX2 = (uint8_t)( pb >> 8 );
	uint8_t pb_MAX6 = (uint8_t)( pb >> 16 );

	// skip first two rows, they are used for dots. also don't draw the bottom line...
	for(uint8_t i=2; i<8-1; i++)
		display_matrix[1][i] = pb_MAX2;
		display_matrix[2][i] = pb_MAX3;
		display_matrix[5][i] = pb_MAX6;

	// send the "display matrix" to all MAXes on the bus

but it is not working as it should
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1



Does enybody can help me??
I dont know how to adjust functions responsible for the rows and columns.I tried everything and still is not right.I attached photo of my hardware connection
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Re: Construction of Word Clock v1

Post by trax »


Have you read the first page of this topic? There is an explanation on how to identify rows and columns. It is not *that* easy though, but it can be done in couple of minutes :(

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