Sad sam vidio drugi dio pitanja , to nije jumper već kond. RC za oscilator
Even though the microcontroller has a built-in oscillator, it cannot operate without external components which stabilize its operation and determine its frequency (operating speed of the microcontroller). Depending on elements in use as well as their frequencies, the oscillator can be run in four different modes:
LP - Low Power Crystal;
XT - Crystal / Resonator;
HS - High speed Crystal / Resonator; and
RC - Resistor / Capacitor.
RC mode. In RC mode, the RC circuit is connected to the OSC1 pin as shown in figure. The OSC2 pin outputs the RC oscillator frequency divided by 4. This signal may be used for calibration, synchronization or other application requirements.
Fig. 8-9 RC Mode
RCIO mode
RCIO mode. Similar to the previous case, the RC circuit is connected to the OSC1 pin. This time, the available OSC2 pin is used as additional general purpose I/O pin.
Fig. 8-10 RCIO Mode
In both cases, it is recommended to use components as shown in figure.
The frequency of such oscillator is calculated according to the formula f = 1/T in which:
f = frequency [Hz]
T = R*C = time constant [s]
R = resistor resistance [Ω]
C = capacitor capacity [F] ... -circuits/ ... mples).htm