program za pravljenje formula
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program za pravljenje formula
znal ko gdje mogu skint neki program pomocu kojeg mogu pravt formule, da bi ih kasnije mogo prebact u word?
Moze pomocu EQUATION EDITORA. Za vise informacija vidi ovaj link: ... tions.html
Moze svaka.koja moze? ak moze kako?
Ukratko o formulama. (Word help)
Insert an equation
1. Click where you want to insert the equation.
2. On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab.
3. In the Object type box, click Microsoft Equation 3.0.
4. Click OK.
5. Build the equation by selecting symbols from the Equation toolbar and by typing variables and numbers. From the top row of the Equation toolbar, you can choose from more than 150 mathematical symbols. From the bottom row, you can choose from a variety of templates or frameworks that contain symbols such as fractions, integrals, and summations.
If you need help, click Equation Editor Help Topics on the Help menu.
6. To return to Word, click the Word document.
Note If Microsoft Equation Editor is not available, you may need to install it. How to install Equation Editor.
Moze i ovako:
Otvoris Word dokument, zatim Tools > Customize
U novootvorenom prozoru Commands > Insert > Equation Editor (selektujes Equation Editor) i prevuces ga u toolbar (drag and drop)
Zatvoris prozor Castomize
Sada kada "kliknes" na ikonicu od Equation Editor (ovu koju si upravo postavio) bice ti omoguceno da
pises i jednacine.
Napomjena: moze se desiti da ti ova "ikonica" ne radi tj. da Word nije u potpunosti instaliran, pa ce ti traziti CD za instalaciju.
Evo kako izgleda formula napisana u Wordu. ... ormule.JPG