PID kontrola
Moderators: pedja089, stojke369, [eDo], trax
PID kontrola
Pozdrav, ne znam mnogo o PID kontrolama, meni treba da uradim kontrolu brzine ventilatora u zavisnosti od temperature. Da li neko moze da mi pomogne, to sam mislio ako je lakse uraditi sa mikrokontrolerom. Hvala svima unapred.
Re: PID kontrola
za početak, trebaš se prvo odlučiti u kojem programskom jeziku, odnosno na kojoj platformi radiš. tada pokušaj naći primjere PID algoritma na netu, da ne izmišljaš kotač.
primjera sa LM35 na netu imaš koliko hoćeš, pogledaj i na youtube to što te zanima.
primjera sa LM35 na netu imaš koliko hoćeš, pogledaj i na youtube to što te zanima.
Re: PID kontrola
Sto se tice toga to mi nije problem, radio bih na C jeziku, i sa PIC mikrokontrolerom, samo engleski mi je problem. Ako imate neki primer, jer nemam sa PID iskustva.
Re: PID kontrola
Hvala za informacije, sad se bacam na proucavanje, pa vam javljam do cega sam dosao.
Re: PID kontrola
osPID hardware has the same form factor as industrial PID controller. Unlike an industrial controller however, we wanted to provide flexible hardware that allows people to modify, change and hack to suit their applications. Arduino was chosen as a base platform for the osPID as many makers are familiar with it.
The osPID hardware has 3 core components:
Main board: An Arduino-compatible main processing board with a user interface. Two edge connectors are used to connect to the input and output cards.
Input card: An input card that can be swapped depending on desired type of input measurement.
Output card: An output card that can be swapped depending on desired output type.
Both the input and output card come with a robust 6 pins 6.35 mm pitch barrier terminal block, instead of a smaller screw terminal block. Microcontroller peripherals like I2C, SPI, external analog reference, analog pins, digital IO pins and power are available to both cards.
The entire osPID design is open source hardware and the design files can be downloaded at the download section on the website. You are fr*e to use & modify them to your own needs.
Re: PID kontrola
Re: PID kontrola
Krasno... Odmah bih napravio jedan.... Samo mi ne treba sad, nadam se samo da necu zaboraviti link kad mi bude trebalo.