" onclick=";return false;
Ubacio sam kod, ali nije radio, pa sam se malo poigrao, uglavnom problem je bio kod serout-a.
Evo i poslednja verzija koda sa linka, malo dopravljena i radi na 4MHz.
Code: Select all
'* Name : PS2interface.bas (PicBasic Pro Compiler) *
'* Author : Michael St. Pierre *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2005 Mytek Controls *
'* : fr*e to Use *
'* Date : 11/11/2005 *
'* Version : 1.2 (PIC18F series - 2734 bytes) *
'* Notes : Interrupt buffered PS2/AT keyboard interface and *
'* : keyscan-to-ascii decoder. *
'* : *
'* : Revision History: *
'* : V1.2 Added Pause/Break (ascii $EF) and Print *
'* : Screen (ascii $80) key decode routines. *
'* : Also added example of using alt register *
'* : for doing Ctrl+Alt+Delete reset. *
'* : *
'* : V1.1 Changed code in KBmain to allow for Shifted *
'* : actions from the number keypad. *
'* : If not in NumLock Mode: *
'* : Shift + keypad key = Number (0,1,2,3..) *
'* : If in NumLock Mode: *
'* : Shift+ keypad key = Non-Shifted *
'* : Navigation Key (i.e.; left arrow = $94) *
'* : *
'* : V1.0 NEW (11/09/05) *
'* : *
' Equates
'PIC18F series aliases
INT2IP VAR INTCON3.7 ' INT2 external interrupt priority bit
INTEDG2 VAR INTCON2.4 ' External interrupt-2 edge select bit
INT2IF VAR INTCON3.1 ' INT2 external interrupt flag
INT2IE VAR INTCON3.4 ' INT2 external interrupt enable
IPEN VAR RCON.7 ' Interrupt priority enable
'I/O port assignments
KBCLK VAR PORTB.2 ' keyboard's I/O clock line (INT2 input)
KBDAT VAR PORTB.4 ' keyboard's I/O data line
' keyboard's I/O data line
'Variables for saving state in interrupt handler
wsave VAR BYTE bankA system ' Saves W
ssave VAR BYTE bankA system ' Saves STATUS
fsave VAR WORD bankA system ' Saves FSR0
'Keyboard (Low Priority) Interrupt Handler equates
KBbufsize con 10 ' keyboard buffer size
KBcnt var byte bankA ' bit counter for keyboard data
KBbuf var byte[KBbufsize] bankA ' keyboard ring buffer
KBindxI var byte bankA ' keyboard buffer Input index pointer
KBindxO var byte bankA ' keyboard buffer Output index pointer
KBcode var byte bankA ' temporary storage for scan code
'Ketboard Handler equates
LED var byte
scrlock var LED.0 ' If true, scroll lock is on (active)
numlock var LED.1 ' If true, num lock is on (active)
caplock var LED.2 ' If true, caps lock is on (active)
pscrlck var LED.3 ' If true, scroll lock pressed
pnumlck var LED.4 ' If true, numlock pressed
pcaplck var LED.5 ' If true, caps lock pressed
keystat var byte
Lshift var keystat.0 ' If true, left Shift pressed
Rshift var keystat.1 ' If true, right Shift pressed
L_ctrl var keystat.2 ' If true, left Ctrl pressed
R_ctrl var keystat.3 ' If true, right Ctrl pressed
L_alt var keystat.4 ' If true, left Alt pressed
R_alt var keystat.5 ' If true, right Alt pressed
keydec var keystat.6 ' If true, a key has been decoded
scancode var byte ' temporary storage for raw keyboard scan code
keycode var byte ' temporary storage for converted scancode
ascii var byte ' temporary storage for Ascii equivalent
parity var byte ' used during getkey for Parity tracking
bitcnt var byte ' bit counter for putkey routines
shift var bit ' If true, either shift key is pressed
ctrl var bit ' If true, either control key is pressed
alt var bit ' If true, either alt key is pressed
KBrelease var bit ' flags the release of a standard key
KBextend var bit ' flags that an extended key has been pressed
KBrelextend var bit ' flags the release of an extended key
enav var bit ' flags navigation key as extended version
KB_timeout var byte
TOvalue con $FF ' loop count in timeout routine
TOcntDLY con 10 ' delay per iteration of loop
init var bit ' flag to use timeout test alternate return path
ktable var word ' translation table index
'variables used by test routine
A var byte
B var byte
temp var byte
Goto start ' Jump past interrupt routine to program start
' Interrupt Handler (Low Priority)
' Keyboard "getkey" handler
; KB_getkey
; Keyboard to Host Protocol
; ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
; CLOCK |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|
; DATA | S | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | P | E |
; S = start bit = 0 P = odd parity E = stop bit = 1
; data valid on falling edge of clock
' The getkey handler responds to a high-to-low transition of the KBCLK line,
' which is the INT2 interrupt connection. Each time this occurs, data bits
' coming in through the KBDAT line (RB4) are temporarily stored in the KBcode
' variable. When a valid stop bit has been received, the data is transferred
' to a ring buffer KBbuf. This information will be later extracted by the
' PicBasic routine mod_keybd.bas and translated into ASCII and ASCIIE code.
; save the state of critical registers
movwf wsave ; Save W
swapf STATUS,W ; Swap STATUS to W
clrf STATUS ; bank 0, regardless of current bank
movwf ssave ; Save swapped STATUS
; save the FSR value because it gets changed below
movf FSR0L, W
movwf fsave
movf FSR0H, W
movwf fsave+1
;AT Keyboard Service Routine
;*** check start bit ***
movf _KBcnt,W ; check keyboard scan code bit counter
bnz KB_getdat ; branch if not zero (start bit)
btfsc _KBDAT ; test start bit of keyboard data input
goto KB_abort ; no valid start bit, abort
goto KB_exit ; exit
;*** keyboard scan code acquisition ***
movf _KBcnt,W ; get keyboard scan code bit counter
sublw d'8' ; w = d'8' - KBDcnt (*)
bnc KB_parity ; branch if negative (carry == 0)
btfss _KBDAT ; Test keyboard data input
bcf _KBcode,7 ; clear bit 7 if KBDAT = 0
btfsc _KBDAT ; Test keyboard data input
bsf _KBcode,7 ; set bit 7 if KBDAT = 1
bz KB_exit ; exit on zero (zero flag still valid from (*))
rrncf _KBcode,F ; shift new bits right (do this only 7 times)
goto KB_exit ; exit
;*** check for parity and stop bit ***
movf _KBcnt,W ; get keyboard scan code counter
sublw d'9' ; w = d'9' - KBDcnt
bnc KB_stop ; branch if negative (carry == 0)
goto KB_exit ; ignore parity bit
;*** check stop bit ***
btfss _KBDAT ; check if stop bit is valid
goto KB_abort ; if not set, abort
;*** increment the buffer input index & test for buffer overrun ***
incf _KBindxI,W
subwf _KBindxO,W ; subtract indexes to test buffer
btfsc STATUS,Z ; check for zero (KBindxI = KBindxO)
goto KB_stall ; if error stall keyboard
;*** increment the buffer input index ***
incf _KBindxI,F
movf _KBindxI,W
sublw _KBbufsize-1 ; test if index is outside the ring buffer
btfss STATUS,C ; if it is...
clrf _KBindxI ; reset it
; Set FSR0 with the location of the next empty location in buffer
LFSR FSR0, _KBbuf ; set counter base address
; Read and store the character from the USART
movf _KBindxI, W ; W = offset value for the next empty location
movff _KBcode, PLUSW0 ; Move the character in KBcode to address (FSR0+W)
;*** stall keyboard ***
; to prevent the arrival of more data before having finished decoding
KB_stall ; hold keyboard (with keyboard clk low):
bcf TRISB,2 ; set clkline to output (back to input externally)
bcf _KBCLK ; set keyboard clk line low (stall)
bcf _INT2IE ; disable keyboard IRQ (re-enabled externally)
goto KB_term ; terminate successfully
clrf _KBcode ; abort / invalid data
clrf _KBcnt ; reset keyboard scan code acquisition counter
goto KB_end ; terminate execution of keyboard IRQ
incf _KBcnt,F ; increment acquisition counter
bcf _INT2IF ; clear INT2 interrupt flag
;restore registers
movf fsave, W
movwf FSR0L
movf fsave+1, W
movwf FSR0H
swapf ssave,W ; Retrieve the swapped STATUS value
movwf STATUS ; Restore it to STATUS
swapf wsave,F ; Swap the stored W value
swapf wsave,W ; Restore it to W
retfie ; Return from the interrupt
' Intitialize keyboard module, check for keyboard presence, and enable IRQ
serout2 portc.6,84,["start",$0D,$0A]
'Check for presence of keyboard
init = 1
Gosub modstart_KBinit ' initialize & start keyboard module
If KB_timeout = TOvalue Then
; *** error code goes here *** (keyboard not present on start-up)
Pause 1000 ' allow time for keyboard to settle prior to
' enabling keyboard interrupts.
'Set-up Interrupts
INTEDG2 = 0 ' INT2 (KBCLK) interrupt on falling edge
INT2IP = 0 ' INT2 (KBCLK) set as low priority interrupt
INT2IF = 0 ' INT2 (KBCLK) clear flag
INT2IE = 1 ' INT2 (KBCLK) interrupt enabled
IPEN = 1 ' Enable priority levels on interrupts
INTCON = %11000000 ' Enable all interrupts!
' mainloop - This is the Main Program Loop where multiple tasks can be called
Gosub KBmain ' Do keyboard decode routine and if
' ---------------------------- a key has been pressed then a jump
' *** other tasks here ***
' ---------------------------- will be made to "modstart_prnt2scrn".
Goto mainloop ' Else, keep looping!
' modstart_prnt2scrn - This is where the decoded keyboard's ascii result
' can be processed, printed, ect.
' In this case we are running a simple Test Routine
' which will output the unaltered ascii character and
' its 2 digit hex equivalent through the hardware USART.
If keydec Then ' check if decoded key is present
keydec = 0 ' If so... reset key decoded flag.
If alt Then ' If Alt key down,
If ascii = $DF Then ' and Ctrl+Delete Key pressed,
serout2 portc.6,84,["RESET",$0D,$0A]
Pause 500
@ reset ' do software reset!
Gosub dec2hex ' create 2 digit hex value from ascii,
' and send formatted info out RS232.
' serial output example: ascii = A ($41)
'hserout["ascii = ",ascii," ($",A,B,")",$0D,$0A]
serout2 portc.6,84,["ascii = ",ascii," ($",A,B,")",$0D,$0A]
'convert decimal to 2 digit hex (AB)
temp = ascii/16
Gosub dec2hex_tbl
A = temp
temp = ascii//16
Gosub dec2hex_tbl
B = temp
Lookup temp,["0123456789ABCDEF"],temp
; modstart_keybd - Initialization Entry Point for Keyboard Decoding Module.
Input KBCLK ' set-up keyboard clock
Input KBDAT ' and keyboard data lines as digital inputs.
KB_timeout = 0 ' initialize some registers...
KBcnt = 0
' No attempt will be made to reset the keyboard as it
' would still be in POST or BAT tests if power were
' applied at the same time as the PIC.
; rstflag - Resets Status and LED Flags.
keystat = 0
LED = 0
Goto LEDshow
; KBmain - Main Entry Point for Keyboard Decoding Module.
If KBindxO = KBindxI Then KBexit ' if key buffer is empty then exit
' update combined shift/ctrl/alt registers from individual registers
If Lshift or Rshift Then
shift = 1
Shift = 0
If L_ctrl or R_ctrl Then
ctrl = 1
ctrl = 0
If L_alt or R_alt Then
alt = 1
alt = 0
' check to see if this is a key coming up
If KBrelease Then release ' release code previously sent
If KBextend Then extend ' extended code previously sent
If KBrelextend Then rel_ext ' ext/release code previously sent
' go get keyboard byte from ring buffer for interpretation
Gosub getbuf
' check for special codes
Select Case scancode
Case $F0 ' key has been released
KBrelease = 1
Goto KBexit
Case $FE ' key resend requested
Gosub putkey
Goto kbmain
Case $FF ' keyboard error
Gosub putkey
Goto rstflag
Case $AA ' successful completion of BAT
Goto rstflag
Case $E0 ' Extended key pressed
KBextend = 1
Goto KBexit
Case $29 ' Space bar pressed
ascii = $20
Goto dec_done
Case $0D ' Tab key pressed
ascii = $09
Goto dec_done
Case $66 ' Backspace key pressed
ascii = $08
Goto dec_done
Case $5A ' Enter key pressed
ascii = $0D
Goto dec_done
Case $12 ' Left shift key pressed
Lshift = 1
Case $59 ' Right shift key pressed
Rshift = 1
Case $14 ' Left Ctrl key pressed
L_ctrl = 1
Case $11 ' Left Alt key pressed
L_alt = 1
Case $58 ' Caps lock key pressed
If pcaplck = 0 Then caps
pcaplck = 1
Case $77 ' Numlock key pressed
If ascii = $EF Then KBexit 'leave if actually Pause/Break key
If pnumlck = 0 Then nums
pnumlck = 1
Case $7E ' Scroll lock key pressed
If pscrlck = 0 Then scrl
pscrlck = 1
Case $E1 ' Pause/Break key pressed
If ascii = $EF Then ' if we have already done this,
ascii = 0 ' erase ascii variable,
Goto KBexit ' and leave!
ascii = $EF ' Else, decode it,
Goto dec_done ' and leave!
End Select
' no special codes received, so verify byte as legal
If scancode > $83 Then KBexit ' if it exceeds table boundry leave!
' translation of keyboard scan code to our keycode
Gosub keycode_tbl ' Else, translate it to keycode
If keycode = $80 Then KBexit ' Check it, and if it is un-
' decodeable then leave!
If keycode < $31 Then KBmain1 ' if true, decode for ascii
' (not navigation or keypad)
' checking for keypad specific entries
ascii = 0
If keycode > $3F Then ' start of keypad number assignments
If keycode < $4B Then ' end of keypad number assignments+1
If numlock Then ' Are we in numlock mode?
If ctrl = 0 Then ' Is there a control key down?
If shift = 0 Then ' If non-shifted numpad key,
If keycode = $4A Then ' If it is the delete key,
ascii = "." ' change it to a period.
Else ' Else...
keycode = keycode - $20 ' re-index for numbers 0-9
Goto KBmain1 ' and go through standard decode.
Else ' Else if a shifted numpad key,
If keycode = $4A Then ' If it is shift+delete,
ascii = $7F ' make it standard delete
Else ' Else...
ascii = keycode + $50 ' make it standard nav key
Else ' If we are not in numlock mode,
If shift Then ' and if the shift key is down,
If keycode = $4A Then ' and the delete key is down,
ascii = "." ' change it to a period.
If ascii != 0 Then dec_done ' if we have a decoded key use it!
Goto navkey
' if this is a ctrl+key situation then decode as such
If ctrl Then
If keycode < $1B Then ascii = keycode ' ascii control char
If keycode > $1A Then Gosub ctrl_tbl ' special char decode
Goto dec_done
' Here is where we sort out the Caps-lock v.s. Shift dilema
Select Case caplock
Case 0 ' cap lock OFF
If shift = 0 Then
If keycode < $1B Then ' if alphanumeric...
ascii = keycode + $60 ' convert to ascii lowercase alpha
Else ' if punctuation...
Gosub noshift_tbl ' get non-shifted value
If keycode < $1B Then ' if alphanumeric...
ascii = keycode + $40 ' convert to ascii uppercase alpha
Else ' if punctuation...
Gosub shift_tbl ' get shifted value
Case 1 ' cap lock ON
If shift = 0 Then
If keycode < $1B Then ' if alphanumeric...
ascii = keycode + $40 ' convert to ascii uppercase alpha
Else ' if punctuation...
Gosub noshift_tbl ' get non-shifted value
If keycode < $1B Then ' if alphanumeric...
ascii = keycode + $60 ' convert to ascii lowercase alpha
Else ' if punctuation...
Gosub shift_tbl ' get shifted value
End Select
' decoding of key is complete by the time it reaches this point
keydec = 1 'key decoded, set flag
Gosub modstart_prnt2scrn
' Check to see if there are any more bytes left to process in the
' ring buffer. If there is, go get it and process it!
If KBindxO != KBindxI Then KBmain ' more bytes left
Input KBCLK ' release clock line
INT2IE = 1 ' re-enable IRQ
KBindxO = KBindxO + 1 ' increment index
If KBindxO => KBbufsize Then KBindxO = 0
scancode = KBbuf[KBindxO] ' fetch next scancode
; scrl - Toggle Status of Scroll lock and Echo to Keyboard
pscrlck = 1 'set flag to prevent routine recall
LED = (LED ^ %001) 'toggle Scroll lock flag
Goto LEDshow
; nums - Toggle Status of Num lock and Echo to Keyboard.
pnumlck = 1 'set flag to prevent routine recall
LED = (LED ^ %010) 'toggle Num lock flag
Goto LEDshow
; caps - Toggle Status of Caps lock and Echo to Keyboard.
pcaplck = 1 'set flag to prevent routine recall
LED = (LED ^ %100) 'toggle Caps lock flag
Goto LEDshow
; extend - An Extended key has been pressed.
KBextend = 0
Gosub getbuf
Select Case scancode
Case $F0 'an extended key has been released
KBrelextend = 1
Goto KBexit
Case $11 'Right Alt pressed
R_alt = 1
Case $14 'Right Ctrl pressed
R_ctrl = 1
Case $5A 'Enter key on Numpad pressed
ascii = $0D
Goto dec_done
Case $4A '"/" on Numpad pressed
ascii = "/"
Goto dec_done
Case $71 'Delete on Nav keys pressed
keycode = $4A
Goto navkey1
Case $7C '2nd half of Print Screen key
ascii = $80
Goto dec_done
End Select
If scancode > $83 Then KBexit 'exceeds table boundry
Gosub keycode_tbl 'translate to keycode
If keycode = $80 Then KBexit 'value not defined in table
If keycode < $31 Then KBexit 'not a navigation key
enav = 1
If keycode < $4A Then Goto navkey2
keycode = keycode - $19 're-index for table read
Goto KBmain1
ascii = keycode + $50 'normal key
If shift Then
If enav or keycode < $40 Then
ascii = keycode + $70 'shift modified key
ascii = keycode - $10 're-index for numbers 0-9
enav = 0
If ctrl Then ascii = keycode + $90 'ctrl modified key
Goto dec_done
; release - A Key has been Released.
KBrelease = 0
gosub getbuf
Select Case scancode
Case $12 'Left shift key released
Lshift = 0
Case $59 'Right shift key released
Rshift = 0
Case $14 'Left Ctrl key released
L_ctrl = 0
Case $11 'Left Alt key released
L_alt = 0
Case $58 'Caps lock key released
pcaplck = 0
Case $7E 'Scroll lock key released
pscrlck = 0
Case $77 'Num lock key released
pnumlck = 0
End Select
Goto KBexit
; rel_ext - An Extended Key has been Released.
KBrelextend = 0
Gosub getbuf
Select Case scancode
Case $11 'Right Alt key released
R_alt = 0
Case $14 'Right Ctrl key released
R_ctrl = 0
End Select
Goto KBexit
; LEDshow - Copies the 3 LSB of the LED register to the keyboard for the
; keyboard's Status LEDs (i.e.; Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock).
scancode = $ED
Gosub putkey
scancode = (LED & %111)
Gosub putkey
If init = 1 Then
init = 0
Goto KBexit
; _putkey
; Host to Keyboard Protocol
; ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
; CLOCK |__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|
; DATA | S | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | P | E |ACK|
; S = start bit = 0 P = odd parity E = stop bit = 1 ACK =0
; data valid on falling edge of clock
parity = 1 'set-up parity register (odd parity)
'Let's initiate a com request to the keyboard.
Low KBCLK 'pull clock line low.
Pauseus 35 'pause 35uSec...
Low KBDAT 'pull data line low.
Pauseus 125 'pause 125uSec longer...
Input KBCLK 'then release the clock line.
'we have now signaled the keyboard
'that we wish to send data to it
'so let's do it!
For bitcnt = 1 To 8 'set for 8 data bits
Gosub sendbit 'send DATA BIT
If scancode.0 = 0 Then nextbit 'if not a 1 then continue
parity = parity + 1 'else, add up total # of 1's
scancode = scancode >> 1 'shift out next bit
Next bitcnt
scancode.0 = parity.0
Gosub sendbit 'send PARITY BIT
scancode.0 = 1
Gosub sendbit 'send STOP BIT
'all data bits sent so...
Input KBDAT 'release the data line
Pauseus 100 'and wait for ACK BIT to pass.
Return 'DONE --- Scancode sent to keyboard!!!
' time-out counter --- requires keyboard response, else bail out!
Pauseus TOcntDLY 'determines delay for each count
KB_timeout = KB_timeout + 1
If KB_timeout = TOvalue Then
' looking for keyboard clock line to go low, then send data bit to it!
If KBCLK Then sendbit 'loop until clock line goes low
KBDAT = scancode.0 'send data bit
KB_timeout = 0
If KBCLK = 0 Then clkhigh 'loop until clock line goes high
' Keyboard Translation Tables
movlw Low keycode_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable
movlw High keycode_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable + 1
Readcode ktable + scancode, keycode
DB 0x80,0x39,0x80,0x35,0x33,0x31,0x32,0x3C
DB 0x80,0x3A,0x38,0x36,0x34,0x80,0x1B,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x11,0x21,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x1A,0x13,0x01,0x17,0x22,0x3D
DB 0x80,0x03,0x18,0x04,0x05,0x24,0x23,0x3E
DB 0x80,0x80,0x16,0x06,0x14,0x12,0x25,0x3F
DB 0x80,0x0E,0x02,0x08,0x07,0x19,0x26,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x0D,0x0A,0x15,0x27,0x28,0x80
DB 0x80,0x2D,0x0B,0x09,0x0F,0x20,0x29,0x80
DB 0x80,0x2E,0x2F,0x0C,0x2B,0x10,0x1C,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x2C,0x80,0x1E,0x1D,0x80,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x1F,0x80,0x2A,0x80,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
DB 0x80,0x41,0x80,0x44,0x47,0x80,0x80,0x80
DB 0x40,0x4A,0x42,0x45,0x46,0x48,0x30,0x80
DB 0x3B,0x4D,0x43,0x4C,0x4B,0x49,0x80,0x80
DB 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x37
movlw Low noshift_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable
movlw High noshift_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable + 1
Goto keytrans
DB "`","-","=","[","]","0","1","2"
DB "3","4","5","6","7","8","9",0x5C
DB ";","'",",",".","/",0x1B,0x7F,"*"
DB "-","+"
movlw Low shift_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable
movlw High shift_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable + 1
Goto keytrans
DB "~","_","+","{","}",")","!","@"
DB "#","$","%","^","&","*","(","|"
DB ":",0x22,"<",">","?",0xA0,0xBF,"*"
DB "-","+"
movlw Low ctrl_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable
movlw High ctrl_tbl
movff WREG, _ktable + 1
Readcode ktable + (keycode - $1B), ascii
DB 0x00,0x1F,0xEA,0x1B,0x1D,0xE0,0xE1,0xE2
DB 0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0x1C
DB 0xEB,0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0x1E,0xC0,0xDF,"*"
DB "-","+"
Pretpostavljam da je to zbog sporog oscilatora, jer taj deo koda je radjen u pbp.