/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
Short circuit detector Detects open and short circuit conditions. 2.89 3,954
Electronic dice v2 Much simpler electronic dice circuit. 2.88 2,121
Inteligent switch Inteligent switch circuit. 2.88 3,000
Dual LED 12V blinker Double LED blinker on 12V. 2.88 3,975
DTMF decoding and generation Generating and decofing DTMF tones with two ICs. 2.88 1,928
Strong 12V bulb flasher Circuit that blinks 12V car bulbs. 2.88 2,315
Temperature controller Temperature controller with LM3911. 2.88 3,867
Acustic clap switch Control your appliance with a clap of your hands. 2.88 8,011
Conductor seeker Conductor seeker with NE567 tone decoder. 2.88 2,381
1.5V battery powered motor A very small fan motor switched on and off by hand torque. 2.88 3,119
Simple blinker Schematics of a simple light blinker. 2.88 2,424
Digital switch Switch with 16 relays and only two switches. 2.88 3,768
Matchless metal locator Terrific detector and locator for metal objects with dual NE555. 2.87 3,610
Level detector Level detector with photo transistor. 2.87 2,291
Water tank level indicator with alarm Liquid tank level indicator with audible alarm. 2.87 3,615

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