/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
Dark switch Dark switch with thirystor. 2.93 2,245
Event counter Event counter with 7 segment display. 2.89 2,207
Electronic dice v2 Much simpler electronic dice circuit. 2.88 2,121
Voltage level change detector Sensivity is in mV. 2.90 1,986
Zero crossing detector Detect when ~ signal is zero. 2.93 1,982
Geiger counter v1 Beta and Gamma ray detector with a neon-tube. 2.87 1,959
Sound/light effect for toys Detects light and generates sound effects for toys. 2.95 1,937
DTMF decoding and generation Generating and decofing DTMF tones with two ICs. 2.88 1,930
Signal generator Device that generates signal based on RC values. 2.92 1,912
RDS decoder RDS signal decoder. 2.96 1,864
LED signal level display Device uses MAX924 IC. 2.93 1,772
Static charge detector Detects static charge and IONs. 2.96 1,756
Electric line tester Electric line tester with sound alarm. 2.90 1,694
PC monitor radiation measurement This device measures PC's monitor radiation according to MPR-II and MPR-III standard. 2.94 1,650
Geiger counter v3 Very good Geiger counter. It uses GM tube. 2.94 1,577

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