/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
Metal seeker Metal seeker. 2.91 3,732
32.768 KHz oscillator Generate clock of 32.768 KHz with a common watch crystal. 2.90 1,431
Electric line tester Electric line tester with sound alarm. 2.90 1,693
TV RF signal amplifier TV RF signal amplifier. 2.90 2,413
Low frequency clock signal source Low frequency clock signal source. 2.90 869
CNC driver The simplest unipolar motor driver. 2.90 4,479
Generation of square wave signals Generation of square wave signals with NE555 (blinking an LED) - 4 schematics. 2.90 1,425
Smart head A device that turns itself towards a light source. 2.90 2,442
Voltage level change detector Sensivity is in mV. 2.90 1,986
MOS FET oscillator Professional version of uncontrolled oscillator with MOS FET. 2.90 1,294
Tilt switch Tilt switch like in pinball machine, using NE555. 2.89 1,013
Geiger counter v2 Geiger coutner with GM tube. 2.89 1,125
Darkness detector Darkness detector with photo resistor and NE555. 2.89 2,768
Event counter Event counter with 7 segment display. 2.89 2,205
Electronic thermostat Elektronski termostat with a diode. 2.89 5,654

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