/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
ECG To test if you are alive, try this device. 2.96 2,759
Wiper speed control Car wipers speed control. 3.19 2,615
Electronic cricket Automatic electronic cricket. 2.92 2,549
Quiz game switches Three switches for a quiz game. 2.91 2,515
Third car stop light The simplest third car stop-light with LEDs. 2.91 2,474
Smart head A device that turns itself towards a light source. 2.90 2,442
Simple blinker Schematics of a simple light blinker. 2.88 2,424
TV RF signal amplifier TV RF signal amplifier. 2.90 2,414
Conductor seeker Conductor seeker with NE567 tone decoder. 2.88 2,382
RS232 serial interface Cable for connecting Siemens S25 to a PC's serial port. Universal RS232 interface. 2.93 2,382
Electronic dice v1

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2.91 2,333
Strong 12V bulb flasher Circuit that blinks 12V car bulbs. 2.88 2,316
Level detector Level detector with photo transistor. 2.87 2,291
Negative ION generator Negative ION generator. 2.92 2,289
Object counter Object counter circuit. 2.96 2,273

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