/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
Quiz game switches Three switches for a quiz game. 2.91 2,515
Continuity tester Adjustable continuity tester. 2.91 757
Heads or tails v2 Heads or tails with NE555. 2.91 497
Third car stop light The simplest third car stop-light with LEDs. 2.91 2,474
Oscilloscope for win v2.51 Oscilloscope for PC using a sound-card. 2.91 3,934
Lie detector v1 Very simple lie detector. 2.91 5,576
Frequency meter Frequency meter using PC. 2.91 3,850
KL interface for car diagnostics Schematics for KL interface for car diagnostics. 2.91 3,600
Mosquitos Mosquito repellent, one circuit and a sound-card mosquito repellent software for win and linux. 2.91 9,222
Color sensor Detects 8 different collors. 2.91 3,743
RDS decoder with ATtiny2313 RDS decoder with ATtiny2313 and TDA7330B RDS decoder-chip. 2.91 1,442
Clap switch v2 Clap switch in flip-flop fashion. 2.91 3,888
Electronic dice v1

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2.91 2,331
Heat detector using NE555 and diode Heat detector using NE555 and a diode. 2.91 3,584
Touch switch Simple touch switch circuit. 2.91 4,199

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