/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
Intersection setup with 2 traffic lights Intersection/crossroad setup with 2 traffic lights controller with LPT port. 2.96 4,286
KL interface for car diagnostics Schematics for KL interface for car diagnostics. 2.91 3,600
LED signal level display Device uses MAX924 IC. 2.93 1,772
Level detector Level detector with photo transistor. 2.87 2,291
Lie detector v1 Very simple lie detector. 2.91 5,576
Lie detector v2 Lie detector that measures skin resistance. 2.94 3,350
Low frequency clock signal source Low frequency clock signal source. 2.90 869
MOS FET oscillator Professional version of uncontrolled oscillator with MOS FET. 2.90 1,294
Master Clock driver for antique slave clocks Master clock for big old clocks with impulse motor. 2.98 756
Matchless metal locator Terrific detector and locator for metal objects with dual NE555. 2.87 3,610
Metal detector/seeker Metal detector circuit. 2.92 9,127
Metal seeker Metal seeker. 2.91 3,732
Mosquitos Mosquito repellent, one circuit and a sound-card mosquito repellent software for win and linux. 2.91 9,222
Motor speed controller Regulation of motor speed for low voltage motors. 2.92 5,122
Negative ION generator Negative ION generator. 2.92 2,288

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