/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
Elektro-shocker with NE555 10-15kV Electro-shocker 10-15kV with NE555 at 12V. 2.93 10,605
Event counter Event counter with 7 segment display. 2.89 2,207
Frequency meter Frequency meter using PC. 2.91 3,852
GSM phone ring detection This device will blink LED just before GSM phone will ring. 2.92 3,610
GSM sniffer Locate a GSM phone. 2.94 36,895
Geiger counter v1 Beta and Gamma ray detector with a neon-tube. 2.87 1,959
Geiger counter v2 Geiger coutner with GM tube. 2.90 1,125
Geiger counter v3 Very good Geiger counter. It uses GM tube. 2.94 1,577
Generation of square wave signals Generation of square wave signals with NE555 (blinking an LED) - 4 schematics. 2.90 1,425
HALO card emulator HALO card emulator - HR. 2.93 2,783
Heads or tails v1 Electronic heads or tails game. 2.95 1,083
Heads or tails v2 Heads or tails with NE555. 2.91 499
Heat detector using NE555 and diode Heat detector using NE555 and a diode. 2.91 3,584
Infrared switch IR led and diode switch. 2.94 3,493
Inteligent switch Inteligent switch circuit. 2.88 3,000

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