/Schematics/Everything else

Title Short description Rate Download
1.5V battery powered motor A very small fan motor switched on and off by hand torque. 2.88 3,119
32.768 KHz oscillator Generate clock of 32.768 KHz with a common watch crystal. 2.91 1,431
Acustic clap switch Control your appliance with a clap of your hands. 2.88 8,011
Antiradar RF Car radar detector circuit. 2.92 29,518
Autodiagnostics Auto diagnostics VAG-COM, interface and a sample program. 2.93 7,925
Bridge amplifier 16W 16W Bridge amplifier. 2.92 2,770
CNC driver The simplest unipolar motor driver. 2.90 4,478
CNC with AT90S1200 It uses unipolar motors from 5.25" floppy drive. 2.91 4,499
Clap switch v1 Clap switch in flip-flop fashion. 2.92 5,157
Clap switch v2 Clap switch in flip-flop fashion. 2.91 3,875
Color sensor Detects 8 different collors. 2.91 3,743
Conductor seeker Conductor seeker with NE567 tone decoder. 2.88 2,381
Continuity tester Adjustable continuity tester. 2.92 756
Counter A multipurpose counter. 2.93 4,232
DTMF decoding and generation Generating and decofing DTMF tones with two ICs. 2.88 1,928

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