Title | Short description | Rate | Download |
Extra mini FM spy bug on 1.5V | Yet another FM spy bug (but better) 88-109.5 MHz. | 2.95 | 48,015 |
Small bug on 1.5V battery | Stable and very small transmitter, 500 hours with AA battery. | 3.01 | 29,603 |
Telephone bug | Excellent telephone bug. | 2.95 | 25,040 |
FM bug 420-480 MHz | Little FM bug on 420-480 MHz made out of Nokia parts. | 2.93 | 15,405 |
Spy bug in a pen | Small and narrowed FM transmitter at 12V. | 2.92 | 15,113 |
FM bug v1 | Unfortunately there is no translation of this description in english language. Click here to translate it. FM prisluškivač. |
2.99 | 13,187 |
Spy bug 5x5mm | Small bug transmitter operating on 1.5V with SMD parts. | 2.90 | 9,715 |
Stronger bug | Stronger bug and simple to build. | 2.91 | 8,490 |
FM bug v6 | Great FM bug, small dimensions. Works at 3V! | 2.90 | 8,027 |
1.5 V FM bug v2 | A little fm bug on 1.5 V, of a bit better construction. | 2.93 | 6,825 |
FM bug v5 | Ekstra small spy bug. | 2.95 | 6,787 |
FM bug 0.5W | Schematics of a stronger FM bug, 500mW of RF power at 9V. | 2.94 | 5,753 |
Nice FM bug | FM transmitter - bug. | 2.92 | 5,447 |
FM bug 3x | Three FM bugs on 3V and 9V. | 2.89 | 5,113 |
TTL bug | Very small TTL bug. | 2.93 | 4,325 |