/Schematics/Audio devices

Title Short description Rate Download
Electronic whistle Electronic whistle using any OpAmp. 2.88 2,207
FSK demodulator with MC13155 FSK demodulator with MC13155. 2.86 906
Fuzz effect Guitar fuzz effect. 2.52 3,558
IR audio receiver Receiver for IR audio modulated signal. 2.88 1,689
Interphone v1 Interphone - intercom. 2.83 3,809
Interphone v2 Another version of intercom. 2.90 4,993
LED blinker with audio indication Circuit that blinks LED and beeps at the same time. 2.86 4,155
LM3886 single chip 68W amplifier LM3886 single chip 68w amplifier. 2.88 2,343
Laser diode audio transmitter Laser diode audio transmitter with NE555. 2.94 2,142
M250 audio amplifier Audio amplifier with 4x MJ15024 and 4x MJ15025. 2.87 3,260
MOSFET amplifier IRF540 MOSFET amplifier (modified Citation 12 MOSFET by N. Pass Labs). 2.92 5,489
Marshall Lead 1959 amplifier Marshall Lead 100W audio amplifier. 2.90 4,194
Megaphone at 9V Amplifier for megaphone operating at 9V. 2.88 1,718
Metronome v1 Metronome, tick-tick. 2.87 1,066
Metronome v2 Metronome with NE555. 2.81 780

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