SparkFun Free Day 2012 - free 100$ stuff
Once again, it is that day of the year when SparkFun Electronics is having what they call a Free Day where you have a chance to get $100 worth of their products for free - you will pay only for the shipping.
All you need to do is show up at their website at 9 AM Mountain Time on January 11th, 2012 to try your hand at winning! If you are not registered yet, do it now, because once the event starts it is very hard to navigate throught their website because of all the traffic they get.
To know the rules and howto, watch the video after the break.
[ Source: SparkFun Electronics ]
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comment [1]
- From trax on 13-01-2012 at 10:32:42
ove godine je bilo vrlo lose realizovano. odustao sam nakon sat vremena prekucavanja
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