PIC16F883 Development Board
So far we have seen a few DIY development boards for both PIC and AVR microcontrollers.
Now we can see a pretty minimalistic dev-board for PICs that has a LM1117 linear power regulator for 3.3V or 5V choice, PIC16F883 with 7kb FLASH memory and a few pin headers on the other side. All I/O pins of MCU are accessible on those pin headers and there is also an ICSP port for PIC programming.
The board definitely has that clean look and could be very useful.
© Phil - jumperone.com
[ Source: Phil ]
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comment [1]
- From Ruslan on 06-10-2011 at 14:16:28
pih, ovakvu pločicu sam i ja napravio za avr. ima čak i više featura. poslaću ti na mail pa
ju možeš objavit ;)
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