Warm Tube Clock - Nixie Clock with 4 tubes
This clock is designed to be easy-to-build, with all usual parts - except the tubes of course, and modular - meaning you can put any kind of Nixie tube on the top "shield" board and completely redesign it's look. If you don't fancy Nixie tubes (looser!), you can multiplex other kind of display.
Clock works at voltages from 7.5V to about 14V and consumes around 200mA. The PCBs are 10cm x 3cm, so pretty small. Beware that it generates high voltages of around 200V so don't touch anything while it is operating.
The shield board has 4 RGB LEDs under the Nixies that can be turned off if you don't like how it looks. It shows time, full date and temperature. There is also a "candle mode" in which all four tubes lit up and simulate the flickering of candles. This looks pretty cool in dark room and you can even put it on the dining table for a bit of romance.
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