IR tracking robot
Here is the latest creation found on Let's Make Robots and it is very very cool. It is an object following robot that follows you around the room.
Realization is on PICAXE microcontroller and it uses servo motor to turn the "head" or the "eye" towards the detected object. The "eye" has lots of transmitting IR LEDs and 4 pairs of receiving IR photo-transistors. The photo-transistors are connected to microcontroller's A/D converters for measurement of level of the reflected IR light.
Make sure you check the video of it in action!
© OddBot, Let's Make Robots
Credits go to: Hacked Gadgets
[ Source: OddBot, Lets Make Robots ]
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comment [1]
- From mr_loc on 25-07-2011 at 04:10:21
I want to make this robot model. admin can help me?
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