Source codes for my PIC projects published

After a little bit of thinking I have decided to go public with source codes for my two projects: Phone Call Alert and SMS Box.

Phone Call Alert (PIC16F84A) is a module that uses PSTN (fixed phone line) to remotely report an alarm condition. SMS Box (PIC16F877A) is a bit more complex and it is used to interface cheap Siemens GSM phones to a microcontroller for sending and receiving SMS messages (and more). I am publishing the source of SMS Box because I don't have any more time to work on it and it needs some improvements (actually just one): to replace my implemented "4-wire bus" with standard SPI bus. Sources are written in MPASM assembly and if someone changes the bus to SPI please let me know!

Phone call alert
Phone call alert project

SMS Box project

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Sva cast Trax!, Smesko kako da ne, Bili nebi dao izvorni kod od DOS-a :D
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Moram ovo dojaviti Bilu Gatesu. Možda se i on - potaknut ovim - odluči objaviti izvorni kod svojih prozora. :-)
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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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