Robot vision with ATmega8 and color camera
AVRcam is an excellent embedded real-time image processing engine and it is well suited for robotics applications.
It is based on Omnivision OV6620 CMOS color image sensor and ATmega8 microcontroller and it is capable of tracking up to 8 colorful objects! The interesting thing is that the firmware occupies only 4 kb of 8 kb available and uses just 692 bytes of RAM for running. First version of AVRcam used 16 MHz crystal for ATmega8 and it was capable of processing 27 images per second. Current version takes 17.7 MHz clock directly from OV6620 module and it can process full 30 images per second. Communication with this module is achieved via standard UART and well designed data protocol.
Aside from robotics applications, this device can be used in security systems for movement detection and alarm triggering.
© John O. & Brent T.
[ Source: John O. & Brent T. ]
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