Starting your car without a key
You probably didn't have your car stolen and now you have to start it with a screwdriver like this guy, but you might like it anyway. You might like this even more if you had an RFID tag implanted under your skin!
After implanting an RFID tag in his hand, Jeffie figured out that it would be cool to put it to some use. So, he bought an RFID reader and installed it into his car, wired it up with a starter and now when he wants to go for a ride he just has to wave his hand around the RFID antenna. Pretty cool, but with RFID simulators now available it might pose a huge security risk.
© Jair2K4
[ Source: Jair2K4 ]
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comment [1]
- From Mara on 15-01-2010 at 11:34:27
Pa da mi neko otkine ruku i ukrade auto. Ne hvala :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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