AVR development board - update
Back in September, we reviewed an AVR development board from Protostack. The board was capable of taking an ATmega8, ATmega168 or ATmega328 microcontroller and at less than $10, it was quite affordable.
Well protostack have just released a new version of the board and it's looking even better. This version brings 4 improvements, namely: new power supply section, the 6 pin ISP interface changed from 1x6 pin to 2x3 pin, new section for mounting dual row headers or similar components, power busses now have better markings, the board is available by itself or as part of an ATmega8 or ATmega168 development kit.
The developments kits include a microcontroller and other supporting components to help you get started.
The board
ATMega8 kit
ATMega168 kit
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