ArduiNIX is now open source hardware

When trying to make a nixie or VFD tube clock/display one might find it a bit hard to interface high voltages required to light up the display and low controlling voltages from a microcontroller.

This device handles all that and makes it extremely easy to interface many tubes since it supports multiplexing. The only thing left is to write some Arduino code and - voila, you are back in 1950's. Even if you don't like Arduino you can still interface this shield to any other microcontroller you like. The interesting thing about this project is that now it is totally open source hardware. So, if you don't want to buy the KIT, you can etch your own PCB and make one yourself! I just need to ask: Who doesn't love nixies?

© ArduiNIX

[ Source: ArduiNIX ]

ArduiNIX projekt je sada open source hardware Bookmark and Share Comments (1)

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s ovim se nemože kontrolirati VFD jer on ide na relativno niski napon (Anoda je oko +15v),a nixie se cijev se kontrlora katodama dok se VFD kontrolira upravljačkom mrežicom i anodom koje su pozitivne

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