/Schematics/Power supply/Triac regulation

Quote: "

This device uses PIC16C54 to control a triac. One push-button has the UP (increase) function, second one has the DOWN function and the third one is for ON-OFF. Button ON will increase the number on LED display from 00 to 99 which represents triac firing in percentages. Triac can power universal load such as light bulbs, motors and similar.


BTA40-700 triac is used in this application and it requires cooler. There is also a soft-start/stop function when firing a triac.


The PCB is 5cm*7cm single sided with SMD parts."

Author (sent by): Drago_Zg

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Rating: (2.91, votes 2554)


Date: 16-09-2009

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: Regulator triaca


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comment [7]

hye sir im intrested to do this as my mini project, and im going to change the triac to scr.. can you contact me through my email because i want to ask u something about the coding you used.. thank you soo much..

comment [6]

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comment [5]

imam za diplomski rad da napravim "regulaciju broja okretaja AC motora 1,25kW pomoću tiristora u antiparalelnom spoju" pa me zanima da li mi može netko pomoći ako ima el shemu. i da li bi se ovakav regulator mogao koristiti i u mojem slučaju, samo da se umjesto trijaka koristi tiristor.

comment [4]

Zanimljivo, samo ima jednu manu, a to je nije zero crossing, prva slika lepo prikazuje na osciloskopu da nedostaje taj početni deo sinusoide, tj. ne propušta svu struju. Ovo se može rešiti upotrebom MOC3041 (zero crossing) umesto MOC3021. Uvek treba praktikovati MOC3041 ili sličan zero crossing.
IP: n/a

comment [3]

zanima me mozeli se ovaj regulator upotrijebit za primar trafoa kod CO2 aparata

comment [2]

U asemblerskom kodu na forumu su opisane funkcije otpornika.
IP: n/a

comment [1]

Planiram da napravim ovaj regulator pa me zanimaju samo varijante sa funkcijskim otpornicima posto nisu detaljno opisane.
IP: n/a

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