Dual USB oscilloscope with ATtiny45

Quality oscilloscopes cost some money but there are also good USB versions available on the market. Now how about a $5 USB version that you can build yourself?

Here is a dual input AD converter that connects to PCs USB port. Windows application plots analog values received from ATtiny45's 10-bit A/D converters. Application is written in Visual Studio 2005 C# and the source code is available for download on the project page. Microcontroller's firmware is written in C and is also available for download. Sampling frequency does not exceed 100 samples/second, so this device certainly doesn't have the performances of those that we can buy from stores but it sure can be helpful!

© Yves Lebrac aka Jacques L.

[ Source: Yves Lebrac aka Jacques L. ]

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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