LED sensor keyboard for a piano

This is a final project of two students on Cornell university. It is a single octave piano implemented on Atmega664 microcontroller. The interesting thing about this project is the keyboard made out of nothing but LEDs.

Each key consists of 9 LEDs where the middle LED acts as a light sensor. Remaining 8 LEDs are used to light up the fingers. When a finger (or another object) gets close enough, the light reflects from emitting LEDs to middle sensor-LED. The project source code is written in AVR GCC C and is available for download.

See piano in action

© Cristina Guzman, Joe Vulih

[ Source: Cristina Guzman, Joe Vulih ]

LED senzorska tastatura za piano Bookmark and Share Comments (0)

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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