GPS tracker using two-way radios

It should take just a few minutes to complete this crude GPS tracker. It is made out of FRS or PMR446 two-way radios and a Garmin GPS receiver. You could probably use any other GPS receiver and the range of this tracker is around 2-3km - depending on the two-way radios range.

What's interesting to me is that this configuration actually does work: RS232 output from Garmin is connected to microphone input of one radio with only two wires. At the other (receiver) side, instead of a speaker, a wire with a COM port connector is soldered and connected to PC with Google Earth and Earth Bridge installed.

It is a very simple hack that works but I would really like to see some opto-isolators here.

© V-Man737

[ Source: V-Man737 ]

5-minutni GPS tracker Bookmark and Share Comments (6)

comment [6]

I agree, some FSK modulation would be perfect for this (ham packet radio). That means it would need FSK demodulator at the receiving end and that would be the real deal.
IP: n/a

comment [5]

Opto isolation is not needed, both are running on batteries, and if you have a common ground that is perfectly O.K. However the bit rate of most GPSs is 4800 bit/s so the signal sent over radio in this way is not likely to work, or be a particular good design/robust/functional. Bandwith of your radio is at most 11.5 kHz. A small uC that acts as a modem however would make this a real system.

comment [4]

Nemoj da mislis dzabe :-)
IP: n/a

comment [3]

U ovom sklopu ima samo jedan smer sto znaci da ne moze da kontrolise gps uredjaj. Ja mislim da za svaki gps uredjaj trba i tx rx
IP: n/a

comment [2]

Zasto ne bi radilo?
IP: n/a

comment [1]

Da li je neko probao ovo i dali je moguce da to radi??
IP: n/a

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