Backwards clock mod

With this, the concept "clockwise" makes no sense at all. If you whish to turn back time, you don't need a time-machine. All you need is a $2 chinese travel alarm clock and a screw-driver.

On the link you will find a whole procedure of modding your clock to run backwards. All you need to do is flip the electromagnet's core by 180 degrees. That's all! Pretty useless but excellent thing when it comes to confusing people.

In the meantime, if you are wondering why is the clockwise direction in a clockwise direction, read this explanation.

© Moddy

Kazaljke sata koje idu unazad Bookmark and Share Comments (5)

comment [5]

Ovo moram da probam.
IP: n/a

comment [4]

hehe, ja sam pitao ovde na sajtu da li neko zna da uradi ovo, i u medjuvremenu sam ga napravio, i okacio ovde ove slike i sl. Mnogo je dobra stvar, ja sam ga poklonio devojci za novu godinu, pored jos dva poklona. Odusevila se. Sad mislim mozda da napravim i sebi :)
IP: n/a

comment [3]

ja sam probao i radilo je ali polovicno radilo je tek kad sam okrenuo zavojnicu...
IP: n/a

comment [2]

morat cu i ja. Al nekontam na koju foru radi
IP: n/a

comment [1]

Haha ovo moram probati :)
IP: n/a

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