/Documents/PDU format of SMS

How to send SMS with GSM phone using PC (or other terminal), explanation of PDU format used to send SMS message, source code of one program for coding PDU string for Delphi. This is great for any developer.

Author (sent by): Trax

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Date: 05-03-2004

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: PDU format SMS-ova


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comment [3]

Actually go here: http://www.elektronika.ba/547/gsm-at-commands/
IP: n/a

comment [2]

Hello, you need to tell us which GSM phone (or GSM modem) you are using. Every GSM phone (or GSM modem) has it's own set of AT commands. Most of them are standard, such as for sending and receiving SMS messages. Try this document: http://www.elektronika.ba/547/gsm-at-komande/
IP: n/a

comment [1]

bonjour je suis en cours de développement d'un système d'alarme a base de pic 16f877,mon probleme c'est l'absence des documents sur les commandes at gsm,mercu d'aidez moi
IP: n/a

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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