/Programs/PCB Designer

Nice and primitive program for PCB drawing.

Author (sent by): Niche Software

Download counter: 19,446

Rating: (2.90, votes 2517)


Date: 30-11-2008

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: PCB Designer


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comment [5]

ok, ovo ne radi...je l ima neki drugi program koji mozda radi ovakvu stvar? :)
IP: n/a

comment [4]

Nema sanse da te program vrati na sajt, to je nesto do tebe.
IP: n/a

comment [3]

ljudi ja kad pokrenem program mene vrati na elektroniku sajt
IP: n/a

comment [2]

meni goviri bad disk
IP: n/a

comment [1]

Pa kako da ja pokrenem taj program. Traži me adresu,ime i serijski broj.
IP: n/a

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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