/Projects/Phoneline controller v2

This is a newer version of previous device with a single relay. This one can have up to 6 relays and 6 sensor-state inputs.
The task was to build a device that connects to the phone line and has a relay as an output switch. It should also sense if the connected «consumer» is turned-on or off and report to the administrator at the other end of the phone line. The administrator would then call-in the device, log in with the password, and check the state of «consumer», turn it on or off, change password or some other settings.

This version has 6 relays.



The administrator should call-in the device from another telephone. After a few (configurable amount of) rings, the controller will pick-up the line and answer with a beep. After the beep the administrator must enter 4-digit password onto the keypad of his phone (DTMF). This must be done in 6 seconds. If the password is not entered in 6 seconds or wrong password has been entered, the device will beep and hang up. You can call it again now.

After the password has been successfully entered, you will hear one beep. Now you must choose which relay you want to operate (1 – 6), so you can press:

- 1, 2, ..., 6 – enter relay «bank»
- # – end session (hang up)
- any other key will result in 5 beeps (invalid command)

After pressing 1...6 you will hear as may beeps as the button value you pressed. Now you have entered a relay's bank. After a short break, you will hear two beeps or three beeps. Two beeps means that the «consumer» is turned on (detected with «sense-input» if controller configured for «pulse-mode») or that the relay is turned on (if controller configured for «switch-mode»). Three beeps means that the «consumer» or the relay is turned off.
After those two or three beeps you can press:

- 1 – turn on relay (if configured for «switch-mode») or pulse the relay for N (configurable) seconds (if configured for «pulse-mode»)
- 0 – turn off relay (if configured for «switch-mode»)
- * – enter settings for current bank
- # – end session (hang up)
- any other key will result in 5 beeps (invalid command)

After pressing 1 or 0 the relay will do it's job and you will hear two or three beeps after it has finished pulsing or turning on or off the relay. We know what those two or three beeps stand for from above.
After pressing the pound key (#) the controller will not hang-up, it will return to the main menu. Now you can chose another relay to work with, or you can press the pound key (#) again to exit/hangup.
After pressing the star key (*) the device will enter setup. You will hear 2 long beeps and now you have these setup options:

- 1 – configure after how many rings the controller will answer a call (1 – 9, 0 (for 10), * (for 11), # (for 12))
- 2 – set the type of the system: pulse or switch – mode (1 - pulse, 2 - switch mode)
- 3 – the length of a relay pulse in seconds (1 – 9, 0 (for 10), * (for 11), # (for 12)) if configured for pulse-mode
- 4 – set the new 4-digit password (* and # can also be used for password)
- # – exit setup, allways saving changes

After entering any of those options you will first hear 2 long beeps followed by as many beeps as the chosen option-number. For example: If you press setup option 1, you will hear beeep-beeep-beep indicating that you entered setup option 1 (this single shorter/quicker beep).
After entering an actual value in setup option, you will hear a short confirmation beep, followed by those two long beeps from entering the setup. Now we are back at the beginning of the setup and can choose again from the setup options above.


The device will remember the relay state even after power-down. When the power get's back on it will put the relay into previous state before the power was lost.
There is also a timeout timer so that if you hang-up before the controller, it will keep the phone line occupied for about 35 sec and than hang-up.
If you ever forget the password, you can press the «reset_sw» switch. This will reset the password to the default value «1-2-3-4». The button only operates if the controller is in idle state. For example: waiting for a call...

If you don't want to connect electrical «consumer» that operates on mains voltages, you might want to change the value of resistor at the «sense-input» from 47k to less than that or whatever you might need this detect-circuit for:


Author (sent by): Trax

Download counter: 7,261

Rating: (2.92, votes 3527)


Date: 14-01-2008

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: Telefonski kontroler v2


Bookmark and Share Comments (23)

comment [13]

I can't find a varistor, and I don't know if it will work withoout that? What is the principle you referred when you made the autoanswer/auto off hook cicuit?

comment [12]

I kinda need help in making the auto answer circuit it is just the one missing from my telephone line control system.

comment [11]

I do not have a video test, sorry. Varistor protects electronics from high voltages that might occur on phone line.
IP: n/a

comment [10]

sir. do you have a video during a test. why is there a varistor between the tip and ring?

comment [9]

Sorry for the incomplete list. No space for it here. If you mail me you can have it as a Word attachment.

comment [8]

Here u have the component list just in case: Component Designation Qty Capacitors 0.1µF 2 0.1µF/400v 2 1.5nF 1 10µF electrolytic 1 22pF 2 220µF/400v electrolytic 2 (5v and 12v power supply) 220µF/16v electrolytic 2 (5v and 12v power supply) Resistors 10kΩ 5 1kΩ 2 10kΩ to 100kΩ 1 (see design) 100kΩ 1 330kΩ 1 330Ω 1 4.7kΩ 1+1 to 6 (as desired; see diagram description) 4kΩ 1 560Ω /1w 1 Diodes 1N4148 3 1N4001 3

comment [7]

jel se moze negdje kupiti ovakav ili slican uredjaj sa kojim bi mogao paliti i gasiti npr svjetlo pomocu mobitela?? hvala...

comment [6]

Jesam ja, sta ti treba?
IP: n/a

comment [5]

Je itko napravio ovaj uredaj Safet
IP: n/a

comment [4]

[Posalji meni na e-mail pa cu ja uploadovati...]
IP: n/a

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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