/Projects/Phone call alert

After putting together this little device, you must enter programming-mode to learn some phone numbers which this module will call after detecting an input on it's sensor pin.

After programming just supply power to the device. After pressing the button "Pokreni dojavu alarma" it will start to dial (tone or pulse, depending on the jumper setup). When the phone call is succesfully established, the called party should press pound key "#" to stop the device from calling another number or again.

UPDATE: Source code is now available for download!


You should put a sensor instead of button "Pokreni dojavu alarma".

Programming the numbers

- press the "program" button
- pick up the phone that is connected to the same phone-line as this device
- punch-in first number and then "*" key
- punch-in then next number and then "*" key
- punch-in the rest of numbers, if more, and finalise with "*#" (example: 061123123*061456456*#)

Please note: The device will learn 64 characters/digits including * and # keys.


Author (sent by): Trax

Download counter: 17,284

Rating: (2.98, votes 4136)


Date: 17-02-2007

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: Phone call alert


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comment [7]

Thanks for posting your phone alarm project. It is exactly what I need. The schematic has some charactors that I cant read. Please state the units for the capacitors that are connected to MT8880 pins 2, 19, and 20 (100 ?F). Also for the capacitor at pin 8 (10 ?F). Please confirm that the resistor at pin 18 is 374 kOhm. Please identify the value for the resistor used with BC547 (4k7 ?). Thanks in advance. - Tony

comment [6]

Hi Trax ! I have just build this project. I have some problem : Some capacitor you use i can not find them in my city then i use some capacitor 2A1003j,2A104J, MPH104j...But it no run.How about capacitor you use : model,type...please tell me..I double check your schematic and PCB , I see them not same. Please give me Schematic same your boar. I'll try build it .You remind you had said you will post one new version of GSM alarm in few day. PLease as soon as posible . I'm waitting it. Thank Trax very much
IP: n/a

comment [5]

IP: n/a

comment [4]

Trafo je iz starog PC modema. Trebalo bi da bude 600ohm:600ohm ali moze i neki priblizan.
IP: n/a

comment [3]

Koji trafo je upotrebljen, osim da je u odnosu 1/1 nema drugih podataka, i da li postoji spisak delova za ovaj uredjaj, osim u el shemi.
IP: n/a

comment [2]

You have everything you need in ZIP file above (just click on the red Download button). There is no step-by-step process explained because it's pretty basic stuff: make PCB, drill holes, solder parts and program the PIC micro controller with the HEX.
IP: n/a

comment [1]

anyone please give me the step by step process to build it . & please give me the code or link to go to the code. thanks. please mail me if need. tahsinakash06@gmail.com
IP: n/a

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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