/Projects/Phone call alert

After putting together this little device, you must enter programming-mode to learn some phone numbers which this module will call after detecting an input on it's sensor pin.

After programming just supply power to the device. After pressing the button "Pokreni dojavu alarma" it will start to dial (tone or pulse, depending on the jumper setup). When the phone call is succesfully established, the called party should press pound key "#" to stop the device from calling another number or again.

UPDATE: Source code is now available for download!


You should put a sensor instead of button "Pokreni dojavu alarma".

Programming the numbers

- press the "program" button
- pick up the phone that is connected to the same phone-line as this device
- punch-in first number and then "*" key
- punch-in then next number and then "*" key
- punch-in the rest of numbers, if more, and finalise with "*#" (example: 061123123*061456456*#)

Please note: The device will learn 64 characters/digits including * and # keys.


Author (sent by): Trax

Download counter: 17,285

Rating: (2.98, votes 4145)


Date: 17-02-2007

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: Phone call alert


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comment [17]

Nazalost nemam... mozda da se obratis na forumu - siguran sam da ces naci nekog ko bi ti ovo sklopio.
IP: n/a

comment [16]

ako imas gotov sklop bi li ga prodao

comment [15]

Potrebno je isprogramirati ovaj PIC mikrokontroler preko kompjutera - DA.
IP: n/a

comment [14]

da li treba ova ic kola programirati, ne programirat brojeve koje ce zvati nego neko dodatno programiranje kao sto je potrebno za neka ic kola preko računala... ?

comment [13]

Ako su u svemu ostalom kompatibilni onda mozes. Ovaj MT8880 ima i neku proceduru inicijalizacije nakon startup-a pa sad treba vidjeti da li to isto zahtjeva i taj tvoj drugi IC...
IP: n/a

comment [12]

Trax da li bi ovo radilo ako se zameni MT8880 sa UM95089? Naravno napravio bih novu PCB sa odgovarajućim vezama pinova, jer funkcije pinova nisu na istim pozicijama. 8880 je katastrofa neopravdano skup!
IP: n/a

comment [11]

jesam ja pravio ovo, nisu naznaceni dijelovi ali moze se skontati koji gdje ide koristeci shemu.
IP: n/a

comment [10]

je li ovo netko napravio?da li funkcijonira? na shemi pločice nema naziva elemenata, pa ima li itko išta?
IP: n/a

comment [9]

Gdje se moze najjednostavnije kupiti MT8880, odnosno u kakvim uredjajima se konkretno nalazi da ga pokusam skinuti?
IP: n/a

comment [8]

Hi Tony, all those capacitors you mentioned are in nF; 100nF and 10nF. The resistors are 374 kOhm and 4.7 kOhm.
IP: n/a

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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