Nakon gradnje uređaja potrebno je isprogramirati brojeve telefona koje će uređaj zvati prilikom aktivacije senzorskog ulaza.
Nakon programiranja potrebno je dovesti napajanje uređaju. Pritiskom tipke "Pokreni dojavu alarma" započinje zvanje tel. brojeva koji su uprogramirani. Kada se uspostavi poziv, dovoljno je na tastaturi telefona pritisnuti tipku # i uređaj će prestati da zove sve do narednog pritiska tipke za pokretanje dojave.
UPDATE: Source-code (ASM) je dostupan za download!
Umjesto tipke za početak dojave, naravno, poželjno je spojiti neki senzor.
Programiranje brojeva
- pritisnuti program dugme
- podignuti slušalicu na telefonu koji je spojen na istoj liniji - ukucati prvi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak * - ukucati drugi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak * - ukucati tako brojeva koliko želite, a na kraju završiti sa *# (primjer: 061123123*061456456*#)
Napomena: može biti maksimalno 64 karaktera ukucano u programiranju uključujući znakove * i #.
I have record the exp. with video I will upload it, Would you mind watching the video ?
I have connected the two line of the circuit to the line of the telephone , not the telephone
it self. Is it correct ?
please replay, thanks IP:
When you press numbers on the other phone, the LED should register it turning OFF (or ON, I can
not remember). does that happen? if not, then Audio signal is not being passed to MT8880 IC
through the transformer. OR the crystal you used on MT8880 is not operating properly! IP: n/a
I've connected the ckt to the telephone line once I turn it on the LED started flashing, then I
pressed PROGRAM button the LED glowed I punch in the number then I pressed (* #); After that I
pressed the ALARM button, but nothing happened. I checked the connection it was correct, I
don't know what to do now can you tell me please?? IP:
Yes, the operation is correct. Don't worry, it will work OK. The diodes are two Zener diodes ZD
1V (in circuit schematics) and they are located at the bottom of MT8880 IC (in the pictures).
The circuit will work without these diodes OK, but it is best that you use them. IP: n/a
Thank you so,
last night I have connected the circuit; but I didn't connect it to the telephone yet.
once i turn it on a led glows, when I press program button the LED start flashing; Is the
operation like this correct??
also sir there are two Diodes are connected in the 8880 to the left they are not shown in the
schematic ckt diagram would mine telling me where can I put them please, Im really thankfull. IP:
please anyone tell me the program in which micro controller language is written?? Also the
relay is it (NL) or (NO) if short description is provided it will be so good please reply!! IP:
da li samo treba programirati ovaj PIC16F84, pronasao sam shemu programatora i skinio program
za programirati pod nazivom NTPicprog , sada me zanima prije nego pocmem sve sklapat da li ce
to da fukcijonira? hvala na odgovorima IP: n/a
komentar [18]
Napisao khairyafandy na datum 23-02-2012 u 01:38:45
Thank you very much for this well done and hope the best for you IP: n/a