komentar [36]
- Napisao trax na datum 01-10-2012 u 14:09:10
Open the PCB file *.lay with sPrint-Layout and print it from there.
IP: n/a
Nakon gradnje uređaja potrebno je isprogramirati brojeve telefona koje će uređaj zvati prilikom aktivacije senzorskog ulaza.
Nakon programiranja potrebno je dovesti napajanje uređaju. Pritiskom tipke "Pokreni dojavu alarma" započinje zvanje tel. brojeva koji su uprogramirani. Kada se uspostavi poziv, dovoljno je na tastaturi telefona pritisnuti tipku # i uređaj će prestati da zove sve do narednog pritiska tipke za pokretanje dojave.
UPDATE: Source-code (ASM) je dostupan za download!
Umjesto tipke za početak dojave, naravno, poželjno je spojiti neki senzor.
Programiranje brojeva
- pritisnuti program dugme
- podignuti slušalicu na telefonu koji je spojen na istoj liniji
- ukucati prvi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak *
- ukucati drugi broj za poziv, a na kraju njega znak *
- ukucati tako brojeva koliko želite, a na kraju završiti sa *# (primjer: 061123123*061456456*#)
Napomena: može biti maksimalno 64 karaktera ukucano u programiranju uključujući znakove * i #.
Autor (poslao): Trax
Broj download-a: 17,284
Ocjena: (2.98, glasova 4136)
Datum: 17-02-2007
English version of this page: Phone call alert
Tagovi: controller, dtmf, line, phone. +dodaj svoj tag
Thank you for these grat works, I have done this circuit and it works very good, but I tried to
make it PCB but the connection was difficult, please if have another easy PCB layout of this
circuit I'd be thankful,
Sorry for that because I'm beginner in PCB.
Waiting for you.
Open the PCB file *.lay with sPrint-Layout and print it from there.
IP: n/a
Sir, the circuit worked very good thank you, but I couldn't make it in PCB because of the
color, if you can make it black-white I'll be thankful.
waiting for your post.
Sir, the LED didn't blink while I was pressing the numbers,
I think you are correct the problem from the transformer I have used because once I connected
it the voltage across it is zero, ehen I remove it the voltage became high. the seller told me:
"this is 1:1 trans"; but it's not 600:600 ohms I'll try to get the correct one. this
is what should i take http://www.electrokit.com/en/transformer-600-600-ohm.43187
Does LED *BLINK* when you *PRESS* the DTMF tones on the phone? What does LED do when you
produce DTMF tones on the phone?
IP: n/a
sorry it stopped flashing till I pressed PROGRAM button again .
it continues flashing till I press program button again. the transformer I have used is
matching transformer with fixed I/O resistance values.
Does LED turn OFF when you press the DTMF tones on the phone?
Also, what transformer did you use to connect the device to the telephone line?
IP: n/a
this is the video link on youtube http://youtu.be/jSU0f3PUPsI
I've connected everything correctly.
hope you will discover the mistake ISA.
Upload the video to Youtube and post the link here. I will take a look. You need to connect
alarm to telephone line and also 1 telephone! How will you program the numbers into the alarm
if you don't have another phone connected to the same line??
IP: n/a
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